2024 T4 aluminum round bar describes a specific aluminum alloy product whose main features are medium strength and good processing properties.
2024 T4 Aluminum Round Bar is an aerospace aluminum profile that is a cold-worked or extruded aluminum forging that provides high to moderate strength, very good processability and weldability, and improved stress corrosion cracking resistance.
Among machined bars, 2024 is known as the “aircraft alloy.” It is one of the most popular alloys used for cold heading and thread rolling applications.
It has high strength and excellent fatigue resistance, making it suitable for parts requiring a good strength-to-weight ratio.
After heat treatment and annealing, the workability is good. Commonly used in aircraft structural components, truck wheels, medical instruments and threading machine products. We have the 2024-T351, 2024-T3511, and 2024-T412 in stock.
Here are some detailed explanations about this aluminum rod:
Състав на сплав:
2024 aluminum alloy is a hard aluminum alloy whose composition mainly includes aluminum, copper and magnesium.
В допълнение, it may also contain small amounts of manganese, силиций, желязо, chromium and other elements. Тази сплав има висока якост, добра устойчивост на корозия, and certain welding and processing properties due to its composition.
T4 state:
In aluminum alloys, T4 represents the state after heat treatment. Specifically, it refers to the state where the material has naturally aged to a basically stable state after solid solution heat treatment.
The aluminum alloy in this state has good plasticity and corrosion resistance, and is suitable for further processing and forming.
2024 T4 aluminum round bar is widely used in aerospace, автомобилостроенето, машини и оборудване, shipbuilding and other fields due to its good mechanical properties and processing properties.
It can be processed into parts and components of various shapes and structures, such as beams, trusses, brackets, shafts, и т.н..
Processing characteristics:
2024 T4 aluminum round bar has good cutting processability, milling processability and drilling processability. По същото време, it is also suitable for bending, drawing, deep drawing and other forming processes.
During the machining process, attention needs to be paid to controlling parameters such as cutting speed, cutting depth, and feed rate to obtain high-quality machined surfaces and precise dimensions.
Although 2024 T4 алуминиева кръгла лента have many advantages, they also need to be aware of their potential disadvantages during use.
Например, due to its higher hardness and strength, tool wear or breakage may occur during machining. В допълнение, special attention needs to be paid to controlling parameters such as welding temperature and welding speed during the welding process to avoid problems such as thermal cracks or deformation.
2024 T4 алуминиева кръгла лента is a hard aluminum alloy product with medium strength and good processability, suitable for various application scenarios that require medium strength and good corrosion resistance.
Спецификациите на 2024 T4 aluminum rods can vary according to different manufacturers and customer needs.
Typically, aluminum rods are sized in terms of their diameter, дължина, and weight. Here are some examples of common 2024 T4 aluminum rod specifications:
Диаметър (D): Usually in the range of 6mm to 250mm, it can be customized as needed.
дължина(L): Usually the length of aluminum rods is between 1m and 6m, but customized lengths can also be provided according to customer requirements.
What are the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 2024 T4 aluminum rods?
Regarding the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of 2024 T4 aluminum rods, the following is some detailed information:
Механични свойства:
2024 T4 aluminum rod or aluminum round bar is a high-strength duralumin, which can be strengthened through heat treatment to obtain higher strength. Its yield strength is usually high, meaning it can resist large deformations when subjected to force.
In the quenched and freshly quenched states, the plasticity of 2024 T4 aluminum rods is at a medium level. This means it is malleable enough to be shaped in certain applications, yet rigid enough to withstand loads.
2024 T4 aluminum rod performs well during spot welding, but may form intergranular cracks during gas welding. Its machinability is good after quenching and cold work hardening, but its machinability is low after annealing.
2024 T4 aluminum rod has relatively poor corrosion resistance, mainly due to its copper and magnesium content. These elements may accelerate corrosion in certain environments.
In order to improve its corrosion resistance, anodizing and painting methods are often used or an aluminum layer is added to the surface. These treatments can improve the corrosion resistance of алуминий пръти, especially in high humidity or corrosive environments.
Despite the above protective measures, in certain specific high-corrosive environments, parts made from 2024 T4 aluminum rods may require more frequent maintenance or replacement.