decembra 19, local time, the European Union announced that in the context of the steel and aluminum disputes, it had decided to extend the suspension of rebalancing tariffs on U.S. products until March 31, 2025. The EU said it is seeking negotiations to fully and permanently lift the Trump-era “Section 232” tariffs on EU steel and aluminum exports.
It is understood that this extension is the result of an agreement with the United States. In 2018, the United States imposed tariffs on 6.4 billion euros of European steel and aluminum exports. As a countermeasure, the EU introduced rebalancing tariffs worth 2.8 billion euros on some US exports. In 2022, the EU suspended these measures entirely until 31 decembar 2023 to allow time to work together on longer-term solutions.
Mi Xiaoxian Ruiyi Poslovni Trade Co., Limited / RAYIWELL MFG are a leading metal service supplier of aluminum plate, aluminijumski lim, aluminijumske kalemove, aluminijske stepenice omotača list, Aluminij omotača Brite ploča, Aluminij proizvođači rebrastog lima, Perforirani aluminijski lim china, Diamond proizvođači list, Aluminijumska gazeća ploča manufacturers and manufacturers specializing in aluminum alloy sheets (aluminij checker ploče), Aluminijske legure utora ploče list Roll With Mill Završi, svijetle finiš, anodiziranog, isklesan, i aluminija rebrastog lima lima se naziva dijamant alumimum list ,aluminija karirani ploče ili aluminija omotača Brite ploča list, Aluminijske checker ploča može se koristiti u proizvodnji zrakoplova, automobil, voz, zgrada zid, stropovi, krov, kutija za alate, prikolica blatobrani, aluminij reefer kontejnera i specijalnih kontejnera, koraka ili stepenice, itd.
Specifikacije aluminijuma rebrastog lima / Chequered sheet /Brite tread sheet
- 1) Razred rebrastog lima:
a) 1000 serija: 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 1200, 1235
b) 2000 serija: 2014, 2024
c) 3000 serija: 3003, 3004, 3005, 3104, 3105, 3A21
d) 4000 serija: 4045, 4047, 4343
e) 5000 serija: 5005, 5052, 5083, 5086, 5154, 5182, 5251, 5454, 5754, 5A06
F) 6000 serija: 6061, 6063, 6082, 6A02
G) 7000 serija: 7005, 7075
h) 8000 serija: 8006, 8011, 8079 - 2) debljina:0.20mm – 350mm
- 3) širina (Toplo valjani): 8mm – 3000mm
širina (hladno valjani): 5mm – 2600mm - 4) temperament: sve dostupne, H1X, H2X, H3X, The, HXXX TX
- Mi smo dijamant proizvođača papira i bili smo izvoz aluminija rebrastog lima lima na svim područjima svijeta, kao što je U.S.A, Kanada, Španija, Brazil, Njemačka, Južna Afrika, sjeverna koreja, Singapur, Tajland, Indija, Rusija itd.
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