7075 aluminum alloy supplier RAYIWELL is a professional factory of aluminum sheet, aluminijumska šipka, ili aluminijumske ploče u Kini.
Aluminium Coil Aluminum Plate Sheet Supplier RAYIWELL MFG / RUIYI može ponuditi aluminijski lim ispod
1000 serija:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, itd.
2000 serija:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618a itd.
3000 serija:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, itd.
4000 serija:4032,4043, 4017, itd
5000 serija: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, itd.
6000 serija:6061,6063,6262,6101, itd
7000 serija:7072,7075,7003 itd
7075 aluminum alloy is a cold-processed forged alloy with high strength, much better than mild steel. 7075 is one of the strongest alloys commercially available. General corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties and anodic reaction. Fine grains allow for better deep drilling performance, enhanced tool wear resistance and distinctive thread rolling.
7050 is a high-strength heat-treatable alloy with extremely high strength and resistance to spalling corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. Commonly used in aircraft structural parts for medium and thick plates, extruded parts, free forging parts and die forging parts.
7075 aluminijskih ploča is an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu series superhard aluminum. 7075 alloy is an ultra-high strength deformed aluminum alloy widely used in the aviation industry. It is characterized by good plasticity after solution treatment and particularly good heat treatment strengthening effect. It has high strength below 150℃, and has particularly good low-temperature strength. The plasticity in the annealed and freshly quenched states is slightly lower than that of 2A12 in the same state. It is slightly better than 7A04. The plate is static fatigue and notch sensitive, and has excellent stress corrosion properties. Among 7A04, 7075T651 is particularly top-grade and is known as the best product among aluminum alloys. It has high strength and is far better than mild steel. This alloy has good mechanical properties and anodic reaction, and is a typical aviation aluminum.
The 7075 varieties are divided into plates, thick plates, stretched tubes, extruded tubes, štapovi, oblici, rows, wire rods, rolled or cold-processed bars, and cold-processed wire rods. The states include O state, T6 state, T651 state, T6511 state, T73 state, T7351 state, T7651 state, T76511 state, and H13 state.
Tipične upotrebe 7075 aluminum are aerospace industry, blow molding (boca) molds, ultrasonic plastic welding molds, golf ball heads, shoe molds, paper molds, foam molding molds, dewaxing molds, predlošci, fixtures, mehanička oprema, mold processing and other corrosion-resistant high-stress structural parts
Zinc is the main alloy element in 7075. Adding magnesium to an alloy containing 3%-7.5% zinc can form MgZn2 with significant strengthening effect, making the alloy’s heat treatment effect far better than that of aluminum-zinc binary alloys.
aluminijumski lim / Ploča 7075-T6/T651 se obično koristi za vazduhoplovstvo, vojni, i automobilske aplikacije. 7075 aluminijum je najjači aluminijum, sa čvrstoćom mnogih čelika, zadržavajući lagane kvalitete aluminija i otpornost na koroziju.
legura | temperament | debljina | širina |
7075 | T651 | 4-260mm | 1200-3800mm |
7075 | T7651 | 4-260mm | 1200-3800mm |
7075 | T7351 | 4-260mm | 1200-3800mm |
Mehanička svojstva
Stanje legure | Smjer | debljina (mm) | Zatezna čvrstoća | Granica razvlačenja | Prekidno izduženje | standard |
7075-T651 | LT | 6-260 | 570-590Mpa | 495-515Mpa | 10-13.5 | GB/T3880 |
7075-T7651 | LT | 6-102 | 550-560Mpa | 480-490Mpa | 10.5-12.5 | AMS4045K |
7075-T7351 | LT | 6-102 | 500-520Mpa | 420-435Mpa | 10-12.5 | AMS4078 |
aluminijum 7075 je član 7000 serija, koji ima cink kao glavnu legirajuću komponentu i dobro je poznat po svojoj izuzetno visokoj čvrstoći. Tretman kaljenjem tada može dodatno poboljšati njegovu visoku mehaničku čvrstoću. Ovo svojstvo čini leguru 7075 veoma popularan u vazduhoplovnoj i odbrambenoj industriji.
Njegova snaga je uporediva sa snagom mnogih vrsta čelika, ali ima mnogo manju gustinu. Legura je odlična zamjena za čelik u primjenama sa visokim naprezanjem. Takođe je odličan u otpornosti na stres od umora, što ga čini veoma pouzdanim, kvalitet koji se mnogo traži u gore navedenim industrijama.
legura 7075 nudi samo prosječnu otpornost na koroziju, rezultat male količine bakra uključene u njegov hemijski sastav. Takođe ima razumnu obradivost i loše oblikovanje i zavarljivost. Još jedan nedostatak ove legure je da ima relativno visoku cijenu u odnosu na druge legure aluminija zbog svoje izuzetno visoke čvrstoće..