5086 aluminum sheet coil is one of the representative products of the marine aluminum sheet. 5086 hliníkový plech prices are generally high, which is inseparable from its complex production process and stable product performance
5086 is an aluminum alloy, primarily alloyed with magnesium. Není posílena tepelným zpracováním, instead becoming stronger due to strain hardening, or cold mechanical working of the material
5086 Aluminum sheet coil is structural alloy, which offers users strong corrosion resistance and high electrical conductivity
5086 aluminums have excellent resistance against seawater and can be strengthened through strain hardening or cold working. It also has good weldability. It is not heat treatable.
5086 aluminium is not heat treated, 5086 plate is easy to form, stamp and weld. Hlavní legující prvky 5086 aluminium alloy are magnesium and silicon
5086 hliníkový plech belongs to 5000 series alloy and is one of the key products of 5000 series aluminium plate. 5086 aluminium plates have higher strength than 5052 a 5083 desky. 5086 aluminium plate is particularly resistant to salt water corrosion. Protože 5086 aluminium is not heat treated, 5086 plate is easy to form, stamp and weld.
Zmírnit: F, Ó, H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H28, H111, H112, H114
Mateřská cívka: CC nebo DC
Hmotnost: Asi 2 mt na paletu pro obecnou velikost
MOQ: 5-10tuna na velikost
Ochrana: papírová mezivrstva, bílý film, modrý film, černobílý film, mikro vázaný film, dle Vašeho požadavku.
Povrch: čisté a hladké, žádná světlá skvrna, koroze, olej, štěrbinová, atd.
Standardní produkt: GBT3880, 4000 JIS, EN485, ASTM-B209, EN573
Čas doručení: asi 30 dní po obdržení zálohy
Platba: T/T, L/C na dohled
Obchodní podmínky: FOB, CIF, CFR
Hliník 5086 is often used in the automotive industry due to its high strength factor. It also has very good corrosion resistance and is easily welded, which are all very important factors for the automotive industry
5086 aluminum sheet coil is rust-proof aluminum and is widely used in applications where high corrosion resistance, good weldability and medium strength are required: weldable parts for ships, automobiles and aircraft plates; tlakové nádoby, chladicí jednotky, televizní věže, detection equipment, dopravní zařízení, části raket, armor, atd. that require strict fire protection.
hliníkový plech | hliníková deska je k dispozici v různých slitinách nabízejících širokou škálu svařitelnosti, odolnost proti korozi a obrobitelnost.
5086 Aluminum sheet coil is any aluminum sheet metal thicker than foil but thinner than 6mm; přichází v mnoha podobách včetně diamantové desky, rozšířený, perforovaný a lakovaný hliníkový plech. Hliníková deska je jakýkoli hliníkový plech, který je tlustší než 6 mm
K dispozici jakost hliníkového plechu
1000 série:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, atd.
2000 série:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618a atd.
3000 série:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, atd.
4000 série:4032,4043, 4017, atd
5000 série: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, atd.
6000 série:6061,6063,6262,6101, atd
7000 série:7072,7075,7003 atd
8000 série: 8011, atd.