1100 aluminum is the most commercially pure alloy of all the aluminum grades. 1100 aluminum coil and 1100 mae dalen alwminiwm ar gael ar gyfer gwahanol gymwysiadau gan gynnwys storio cemegol a chyfarpar prosesu. Benefits of 1100 coil alwminiwm & sheet include a 99% or greater content of aluminum compared to other grades of aluminum. 1100 yn aloi alwminiwm cryfder isel gydag ymwrthedd cyrydiad rhagorol. Defnyddir y radd hon orau ar gyfer weldio, brazing and soldering but has poor mach-inability. 1100 aluminum has great finishing capabilities so it is a great choice for decorative purposes.
RUIYI Aluminum has a wide range of sizes readily available of aluminum coils at finest price and quality
- Chemical storage
- Processing Equipment
- Kitchen Utensils
- General sheet metal work