An embossed aluminum sheet indicates an originally bare aluminum sheet on which a design or texture in relief has been imprinted veins, pores, marks, geometric figures and so on. Usually this process is made on fabrics, paper, leather, pren, rubber and obviously aluminum thin sheets.
Sheet metal embossing is a stamping process for producing raised or sunken designs or relief in sheet metal. This process can be made by means of matched male and female roller dies, or by passing sheet or a strip of metal between rolls of the desired pattern.
boglynnog taflen alwminiwm can be orange peel design, diamond raised pattern, 3 gall aloi alwminiwm gael perfformiad castio da a dod yn aloi alwminiwm dadffurfiad da, 5 gall aloi alwminiwm gael perfformiad castio da a dod yn aloi alwminiwm dadffurfiad da. Embossed aluminum sheet was called stucco aluminum plate, which is a type of aluminum sheeting with a textured surface. Mae wyneb y dalennau fel arfer wedi'i orchuddio â dyluniad, megis gwehydd basged neu batrwm croen crocodeil. Defnyddir y taflenni mewn amrywiol gymwysiadau, gan gynnwys seidin adeiladu, trim cerbyd, ac offer cegin.