Yr allwedd i'n llwyddiant yw ,Cynnyrch Ansawdd Da, Pris Rhesymol a Gwasanaeth Effeithlon, for Mill finished 5083 aluminum plate aluminium sheet, 10 mesur alwminiwm pris ddalen,1050 aluminum sheet manufacturer,14 mesur alwminiwm pris ddalen, yn ddiffuant yn edrych ymlaen at eich gwasanaethu yn y dyfodol agos. Yr ydych yn ddiffuant croeso i ymweld â'n cwmni i siarad wyneb busnes yn wyneb â'i gilydd a sefydlu yn y tymor hir cydweithrediad gyda ni!
Mill finished 5083 aluminum plate Aluminium sheet supplier RAYIWELL MFG can supply 1050 1060 1070 2024 3003 4017 5052 plât alwminiwm, anodized aluminum sheet, Brushed aluminum sheet, Mirror finished aluminum sheet, plât alwminiwm diemwnt, plât gwadn alwminiwm, 5 bars aluminum plate, 3 bars aluminum plate coil at very competitive price.
5083aluminum sheet belongs to Al-Mg-Si aluminum alloys. Its main contents are Magnesium and Silicon except Aluminum. Drosodd 4.0% of Magnesium enables 5083 aluminum plate to have excellent resistance to correction, and easily to welded. By adding cooper, 5083 aluminum plate has 28% Electrical conductivity. 5083 aluminum plate also has good forming characteristic for either hot or cold working. But hardening is accomplished by means of cold working only. Besides, 5083 aluminum plate does have good strength but non-heat treatable.
Alloy 5083 aluminum plates have higher strength than 5052 plât ac mae ganddo dargludedd thermol eithriadol. In the tempered condition, it retains good formability due to excellent ductility. Mae'n addas iawn ar gyfer weldio a gellir ei galedu gan waith oer. Because Alloy 5083 arddangosion ymwrthedd ardderchog i cyrydiad cyffredinol, it is used in marine applications. Since Alloy 5083 is capable of withstanding extremely low temperatures without brittleness or loss of properties, it is especially suited to the cryogenic market.
Aluminium Coil or Aluminum Plate Sheet Supplier RAYIWELL MFG can supply Aluminum plate refering to the aluminum material with a thickness of more than 0.2mm to less than 500mm, a width of more than 200mm, and a length of less than 16m. With the progress of large equipment, there are more aluminum plates that can be as wide as 600mm).
Aluminum plate refers to a rectangular plate processed by rolling aluminum ingots, which is divided into pure aluminum plate, plât alwminiwm aloi, thin aluminum plate, medium-thick aluminum plate, and patterned aluminum plate.
alwminiwm 5083 is a non-heat treatable alloy known for its resistance to extreme environments, including seawater corrosion and industrial chemicals. While featuring limited machinability due to its exceptional strength, AL 5083 is the material of choice for marine and aquatic applications, and is typically used in shipbuilding. Other uses for this alloy include transportation applications such as rail, truck, and vehicle bodies, as well as pressure vessels and food processors. alwminiwm 5083 is composed mainly of aluminum, magnesium and manganese and standard specifications include AMS 4057, AMS 4058, ASTM B210 and more.
Aluminium Coil Aluminum Plate Sheet Supplier RAYIWELL MFG / RUIYI can offer aluminum sheet grade below
1000 cyfres:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, ac ati.
2000 cyfres:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618a etc.
3000 cyfres:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, ac ati.
4000 cyfres:4032,4043, 4017, ac ati
5000 cyfres: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, ac ati.
6000 cyfres:6061,6063,6262,6101, ac ati
7000 cyfres:7072,7075,7003 ac ati
8000 cyfres: 8011, ac ati.
Tymheredd taflen alwminiwm: yr, H, W, F, T
H:H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H32, H34, H111, H112, H114, H116
T: T0-T651
Size of taflen alwminiwm
Coil mam: CC neu DC
pwysau: Tua 2mt y paled ar gyfer maint cyffredinol
MOQ: 5tunnell fesul maint
Amddiffyniad: papur rhyng-haen, ffilm wen, ffilm las, ffilm du-gwyn, ffilm wedi'i rhwymo'n ficro, yn ôl eich gofynion.
Arwyneb: yn lân ac yn llyfn, dim brycheuyn llachar, cyrydu, olew, slotiedig, ac ati.
Cynnyrch safonol: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
Amser dosbarthu: tua 30 diwrnod ar ôl derbyn blaendal
talu: T/T, L/C ar yr olwg
Telerau masnachu: FOB, CIF, CFR
Aluminum sheet coils have many applications as below
1. Lighting decorations 2. Solar reflectors 3. Building appearance 4. Interior decoration: nenfydau, waliau, ac ati. 5. Furniture, cypyrddau 6. Elevators 7. arwyddion, nameplates, bags 8. Car interior and exterior decoration 9. Interior decorations: such as Photo frame 10. peiriannau i'r cartref: oergelloedd, poptai microdon, offer sain, ac ati. 11. Aerospace and military aspects, such as China’s large aircraft manufacturing, Shenzhou spacecraft series, satellites, ac ati. 12. Mechanical parts processing 13. Mold manufacturing 14. Chemical or insulation pipe coating. 15. High-quality ship board
Cymerwn ,cwsmer-gyfeillgar, ansawdd-ganolog, integreiddiol, arloesol, fel amcanion. ,Gwirionedd a gonestrwydd, is our management ideal for mill finished aluminum plate or aluminium sheet, rydym wedi adeiladu enw da dibynadwy ymhlith llawer o gwsmeriaid. Ansawdd&cwsmer yn gyntaf yw ein hymlid cyson bob amser. Nid ydym yn gwneud unrhyw ymdrech i wneud cynhyrchion gwell. Edrych ymlaen at gydweithrediad hirdymor a buddion i'r ddwy ochr!