1100 aluminium plate is a commercially pure aluminum. AA1100 aluminiumplade is a type of aluminium sheet that is made of 99% pure aluminium. It has excellent corrosion resistance, formbarhed, conductivity, og svejsbarhed. It is commonly used for chemical, food and beverage, dekorative, and thermal applications
1100 aluminium plate has excellent welding characteristics; den er også blød og sej , so is ideal for applications that require intricate forming as it work hardens slower than other alloys.
1100 aluminum sheet is however non-heat treatable. As it has excellent resistance to corrosion it is widely used in the chemical and food processing industries also for giftware and applications where eye appeal is important.
Aluminium 1100 can be shaped into many different products and most frequently appears in railroad tank cars, finne lager, urskiver, køkkenredskaber, navneplaner, kemisk udstyr, urskiver, og mere. The plumbing and lighting industries also make frequent use of 1100 aluminiumsplade, foruden mange andre brancher
aluminiumplade 1100 is a shiny smooth plate used in a variety of applications. Vores aluminiumplade 1100 range in thickness from 0.6mm to 6mm, or cut-to-length aluminum sheet is acceptable too.
Aluminium 1100 is just one of several common aluminum alloys and is soft, low strength and, at 99% min aluminum, is the commercially pure aluminum. Kobber, jern, magnesium, mangan, silicium, titanium, vanadium and zinc comprise the remaining elements
Temperament: F, den, H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H28, H111, H112, H114
Moder spole: CC eller DC
Vægt: Ca. 2mt pr. palle for generel størrelse
MOQ: 5ton pr størrelse
Beskyttelse: papir mellemlag, hvid film, blå film, sort-hvid film, mikrobundet film, henhold til dine krav.
Overflade: ren og glat, ingen lys plet, korrosion, olie, slidset, etc.
Standard produkt: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
Aluminium ark 1100 alloy is widely used in fin stock, heat exchanger fins, spun hollowware, dials and name plates, decorative parts
1100 Aluminum Sheet of packaging meet the export standard. Plastic film and brown paper can be covered at customers’ need. wooden case or wooden pallet is adopted to protect products from damage during the delivery
Some of the advantages of using 1100 aluminium plate are:
- It is lightweight and easy to handle.
- It has a natural oxide layer that prevents rusting.
- It heats up quickly and evenly in cookware and electrical components.
- It is recyclable and environmentally friendly.
- It can be polished, anodiseret, or coated to achieve various finishes.
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Vi fortsætter med at forbedre og perfektionere vores produkter og service. På samme tid, vi arbejder aktivt med at lave forskning og udvikling for 1100 alupladefabrik, Som vi bevæger os fremad, Vi holder øje med vores stadigt voksende produktsortiment og gøre forbedringer til vores tjenester.