RUIYI Aluminium er en storskala producent af aluminiumslegeringer og distributører af aluminiumplader i Kina. Virksomheden har rigelig produktionsstyrke, og vores lager af aluminiumplader er rig. Derfor, uanset om du køber alu plade eller engros alu plade, vi kan begge opfylde dine behov på kort tid.
I gang med at producere produkter til dig, vi vil nøje overveje hver enkelt produktdetaljer, såsom aluminiumpladestyrke, aluminiumpladedensitet og så videre.RUIYI Aluminium garanterer, at vores produktkvalitet og vores aluminiumspladeegenskaber vil opfylde de nationale standarder og kundekrav.
Aluminiumsplade til salg i RUIYI aluminium er nu blevet eksporteret til Amerika, Afrika og mange sydøstasiatiske lande, bedst sælgende i ind- og udland. Vi har etableret gode samarbejdsrelationer med mange transportvirksomheder. Efter at produktionen er færdig, vi sender aluminiumspladen til din hånd så hurtigt som muligt.
Fra salgsservicen, RUIYI Aluminium vil give dig den mest betænksomme service.
aluminum checkered plate is also called embossed aluminiumplade. It is actually used in the scenes that require anti-skid in life industry. Generelt, it is used as anti-skid plate. There are many types of patterns. According to the type of pattern, it can be divided into compass aluminum alloy patterned plate; a rib , three ribs, five ribs aluminum alloy checkered plate; orange peel aluminum alloy checkered plate
Alu ternet plade is a plate with aluminum as the base material, which forms various patterns and patterns on the surface through special processing technology. It has the advantages of aluminum, such as light weight, korrosionsbestandighed, recyclability, etc., but also has the characteristics of beauty and strong decoration.
The pattern and pattern of the aluminum checkered plate can be customized according to the needs. Common patterns include corrugated, textured, concave-convex, etc. It is widely used in architectural decoration, vehicle manufacturing, electronic product casing, furniture manufacturing and other fields. In terms of architectural decoration, aluminum checkered panels are often used in interior ceilings, vægge, stair handrails and other decorations, which can increase the aesthetics and artistic sense of the space.