Aluminum extrusion is a process by which aluminum alloy material is forced through a die with a specific cross sectional profile. A powerful ram pushes the aluminum through the die and it emerges from the die opening. When it does, it comesout in the same shape as the die and is pulled out along a runout table.
Aluminum extrusions are used as components in many different devices, equipment, and systems, such as those found in aircraft, the International Space Station (ISS),Elektronik, medicals,sports and recreation.
Aluminum extrusion profiles are ideal for use across a range of industries. Our American-made products are strong, lightweight, durable and compliant with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS).
Aluminium is ideal for use in the manufacture of components for medical equipment, such as hospital beds and testing devices. Additionally, aluminum extrusions can be made to tight tolerances, which allows them to meet the industry’s strict standards
I henhold til forskellige klassificeringsprincipper, der er mange typer almindelige aluminiumlegeringer.
for det første, almindelige aluminiumslegeringer er opdelt i 8 aluminiumslegeringsserie efter forskellig kemisk sammensætning;
For det andet, på basis af aluminiummaterialekvalitet, aluminium alloy tempers are more fine classification, hovedsageligt inklusive O, H, F, W og T frister. Tallene bag disse fem betegnelser af aluminiumslegeringstemperatur repræsenterer forskellige behandlingsgrader;
For det tredje, omkrystallisationstemperatur som afskæringspunkt, ovenstående er varmebehandlingsbar aluminiumslegering, det følgende er den ikke-varmebehandlingsbare aluminiumslegering;
For det fjerde, i henhold til forskellige behandlingsmetoder, almindelige aluminiumslegeringer kan opdeles i støbt aluminiumslegeringer og smede aluminiumlegeringer;
For det sjette, i henhold til forskellige kilder til råvarer, primært aluminium udvindes fra aluminiummalm, mens regenereret aluminium oparbejdes af affaldsaluminium og skrotaluminium;
Endelig, i henhold til aluminiumslegeringsegenskaber og anvendelser, almindelige aluminiumlegeringer kan opdeles i rumfartsaluminiumlegeringer, marine aluminiumslegeringer, konstruktion aluminiumslegeringer, dekoration aluminiumslegeringer og så videre.