1070 aluminum plate is a material used to manufacture some structural parts with specific properties, kõrge plastilisusega, korrosioonikindlus, good electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity, Kuid, the strength is low, it is not strengthened by heat treatment, and the machinability is not good, so it can accept contact welding and gas welding. Use its advantages to manufacture some structural parts with specific properties, such as aluminum foil made of gaskets and capacitors, electronic tube isolation nets, protective sleeves for wires and cables, nets, wire cores and aircraft ventilation system parts and decorative parts.
1070 alumiiniumplekist contains 99.7% al, which is the alloy sheet with the highest Al content in the 1xxx series of industrial aluminum. seega,1070 aluminium alloy has retained the excellent properties of pure aluminium itself, suitable elongation processing, hea soojusjuhtivus, korrosioonikindlus, ja veel. Lisaks, the mechanical properties of the 1070 aluminium sheet were slightly enhanced by the addition of a few alloying elements. Samamoodi, as a representative alloy sheet of industrial aluminium, 1070 aluminium sheet price is economical.
Top Metal Manufacture has decades of aluminium sheet production experience and is able to produce and supply high-quality 1070 alumiiniumplekist with different sizes and tempers, the tempers including O (annealed), H12, H14, H16, H18, H26, jne. Lisaks, other 1xxx series aluminum sheets are available for inquiring, kaasa arvatud 1050, 1060, 1100, 1035, ja veel.
alumiinium Sheet | Alumiiniumplaat on saadaval mitmesugustes sulamites, mis pakuvad mitmesuguseid keevitatavust, korrosioonikindlus ja töödeldavus.
Alumiiniumleht on mis tahes alumiiniumlehtmetall, mis on fooliumist paksem, kuid õhem kui 6 mm; seda on mitmel kujul, sealhulgas teemantplaat, laiendatud, perforeeritud ja värvitud alumiiniumleht. Alumiiniumplaat on mis tahes alumiiniumplekk, mis on paksem kui 6 mm.
Saadaval alumiiniumlehe klass
1000 seeria:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, jne.
2000 seeria:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618a jne.
3000 seeria:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, jne.
4000 seeria:4032,4043, 4017, jne
5000 seeria: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, jne.
6000 seeria:6061,6063,6262,6101, jne
7000 seeria:7072,7075,7003 jne
8000 seeria: 8011, jne.
tuju: F, O, H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H28, H111, H112, H114
Ema mähis: CC või DC
kaal: Üldise suuruse jaoks umbes 2mt kaubaaluse kohta
MOQ: 5-10tonni suuruse kohta
Kaitse: paberi kihtide vahel, valge kile, sinine kile, must-valge film, mikroköites kile, vastavalt oma nõuet.
pind: puhas ja sile, pole eredat täppi, korrosioon, õli, piluga, jne.
Standardne toode: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209, EN573
Tarne aeg: umbes 30 päeva pärast tagatisraha laekumist
makse: T/T, L/C silmapiiril
Kauplemistingimused: FOB, CIF, CFR
1070 aluminium sheet has a conductivity of {20℃(68℉)(%IACS)} of up to 62 and is second only to copper, silver and gold in thermal conductivity and conductivity.
1070 aluminum sheet has excellent resistance to atmospheric and water corrosion, as well as to most acids and organic compounds.
1070 aluminium sheet is a non-heat-treated alloy, which is cooled and processed to improve its strength. It has poor cutting performance, but it can accept contact welding and gas welding, jne
1070 aluminum sheet can be used for producing some structures with specific properties such as aluminium gasket and the capacitor, bus groove electronic wire, pipe net, protective sleeve, cable net, wire core, aircraft parts, and trim ventilation system.
Lisaks, 1070 aluminum sheet is also widely used in products with low strength requirements, nagu keemilised instrumendid, sheet workpieces, deep drawing or spinning concave vessels, keevitusosad, soojusvahetid, clock surfaces, plaate, nimesildid, kitchen utensils, kaunistused, reflective appliances, jne.