7075 T651 Aluminium Plate or UNS A97075 aluminium plate is a type of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu super-hard aluminum alloy known for its exceptional high strength, kõvadus, and excellent mechanical properties. It also exhibits good anodic reactivity. The presence of chromium enhances its resistance to stress corrosion cracking, while zinc imparts strength comparable to that of steel.
7075 alumiinium Plaat (AA7075) is an aluminum alloy with zinc as the primary alloying element. It has excellent mechanical properties and exhibits good ductility, suur tugevus, sitkus, and good resistance to fatigue. It has moderated formability when in the fully soft, annealed temper and can be heat-treated to strength levels that are comparable to many steel alloys. In fact, hinne 7075 aluminum is stronger than many types of mild steel.
7075-T651 alumiiniumplaati has nearly double the strength-to-weight of grade 2 titaan

7075 aerospace aluminum
The 7075 Al alloy is most preferred by the aircraft industry. The composition of this specific Al alloy is 5.1–6.1% zinc, 2.1–2.9% magnesium, 1.2–2.0% copper and less than 0.5% of silicon, raud, mangaan, titaan, chromium and other trace metals
One of the key reasons to consider 7075 alumiinium is for its high strength. Alloyed with zinc, it is one of the strongest alloys available and stronger than 6061. But it offers a lower level of corrosion resistance than 6061 and is also more difficult to weld. 7075 is used in marine, auto, and aerospace applications where strength is a very high priority. It is also used in a firearms manufacturing and is even used in hang glider frames
alumiinium Sheet / Plaati 7075-T6/T651 kasutatakse tavaliselt kosmosetööstuses, sõjaline, ja autotööstuse rakendused. 7075 alumiinium on tugevaim alumiinium, paljude teraste tugevusega, säilitades samal ajal alumiiniumi kerged omadused ja korrosioonikindluse.
sulam | tuju | paksus | laius |
7075 | T651 | 4-260mm | 1200-3800mm |
7075 | T7651 | 4-260mm | 1200-3800mm |
7075 | T7351 | 4-260mm | 1200-3800mm |
Mehaanilised omadused
Sulami olek | Suund | paksus (mm) | Tõmbetugevus | voolavuspiir | Breaking pikenemine | Standard |
7075-T651 | LT | 6-260 | 570-590Mpa | 495-515Mpa | 10-13.5 | GB/T3880 |
7075-T7651 | LT | 6-102 | 550-560Mpa | 480-490Mpa | 10.5-12.5 | AMS4045K |
7075-T7351 | LT | 6-102 | 500-520Mpa | 420-435Mpa | 10-12.5 | AMS4078 |
alumiinium 7075 on liige 7000 seeria, mille peamiseks legeerivaks komponendiks on tsink ja mis on hästi tuntud oma erakordselt suure tugevuse poolest. Karastustöötlus võib seejärel veelgi suurendada selle suurt mehaanilist tugevust. See omadus teeb sulami 7075 väga populaarne lennundus- ja kaitsetööstuses.
Tüüpilised mehaanilised omadused 7075 Alumiiniumplaat | ||||
tuju | paksus
(mm) |
(Mpa) |
(Mpa) |
(%) |
T6 | 1~3.2 | 540 | 470 | 8 |
T6 | 3.2~6.3 | 540 | 475 | 8 |
T651 | 6.3~12.5 | 540 | 460 | 9 |
T651 | 25~50 | 530 | 460 | — |
T651 | 60~80 | 495 | 420 | — |
T651 | 90~100 | 460 | 370 |
Selle tugevus on võrreldav paljude terasetüüpide omaga, kuid sellel on palju väiksem tihedus. Sulam on suurepärane terase asendaja kõrge pingega rakendustes. Samuti talub see suurepäraselt väsimusstressi, muutes selle väga usaldusväärseks, kvaliteet, mida ülalnimetatud tööstusharudes väga otsitakse.
sulam 7075 pakub ainult keskmist korrosioonikindlust, selle keemilises koostises sisalduva väikese koguse vase tulemus. Sellel on ka mõistlik töödeldavus ning halb vormimine ja keevitatavus. Selle sulami teine puudus on see, et selle erakordselt kõrge tugevuse tõttu on selle hind võrreldes teiste alumiiniumisulamitega suhteliselt kõrge..
RAYIWELL MFG or RuiYi Aluminum provides excellent quality aerospace materials, as well as the best technical services in the market, and has a deep knowledge base on how to support customers in meeting the challenges of the future.
Quality could full meet AMS aviation standard.
Bare: AMS QQ-A-250/12, BS 2 L95, AMS 4038, AMS 4045, AMS 4039, AMS 4049, AMS 4044, AMS 4045, AMS 4078, QQ-A-250/24, AIR 9048.690, AIR 9048.700, AIR 9048.710, AIR 9049, jne.
AlClad: AMS QQ-A-250/13, BS 2 L88, AMS 4046, AMS 4048, AMS 4049, QQ-A-250/18, QQ-A-250/25, QQ-A-250/26, jne.
We have passed AS9100, OHSAS 18001 and other certifications required by the aviation industry, providing a strong guarantee for the quality of aerospace materials produced by our company.
OHSAS 18001