Checkered plates/tread aluminum sheet with distinct design and highly slip resistance can be easily configured into a variety of designs and patterns as per the client’s requirement. Aluminum checkered plates can be supplied in different forms of finished products including diamond plates, صفحات چهارخانه آلومینیومی, tread plates and stair tread.
Aluminum checkered/tread plate is a product where quality and functionality meet beauty. It is used in air-conditioning, cable, exchanger, سیگار, غذا, medicine, تزیین, بسته بندی, electrical, electric products and etc.
Checkered patterns: one bar, two bar, 3 کافه, 5 بار, الماس, برجسته, زینتی
درمان سطحی: Mill finish, PE coated, mirror finished
مواد: Cold rolling aluminum coil\sheet
Alloy Type: 1050/1060/1070/1100/1200/1350/3003/3004/3105/5005/5052/5754/5083
ضخامت: 0.2–20.0میلی متر
Roll Width: 500-1500میلی متر
خوی: O/H12/H22/H14/H24/H16/H26/H18
1100 ورق آلومینیوم: Low strength aluminum alloy has excellent corrosion resistance and satisfactory anodizing and conversion coating finishing characteristics. It is unmatched by any other commercial aluminum alloy in workability. Readily to welding, brazing, and soldering. Machinability is poor and tends to be “gummy”. Non-heat treatable. Typical applications include chemical storage, processing equipment, ظروف آشپزخانه, and general sheet metal work.
3003 ورق آلومینیوم: Approx. 20% higher strength than the 1100 سلسله, but retaining an excellent workability rating. May show some slight discoloration when anodized, but reacts well to mechanical and organic finishings. 3003 is easily welded and brazed, but solder is limited to the torch method. پسندیدن 1100, tends to be “gummy” when machined. Non-heat treatable. Typical applications include food and chemical equipment, appliance components, truck and trailer roofing, مبدل های حرارتی, and lawn furniture components.
5083 ورق آلومینیوم: With excellent corrosion resistance and weldability, together with high strength, this alloy was designed for welded structures requiring maximum joint strength and efficiency. Can be anodized for increased corrosion resistance, but does not lend itself to decorative applications. Not meant to be a machining alloy, but can be machined fairly well with proper preparations. Because of its relatively high magnesium content, the workability rating would only be fair. Non-heat treatable. Typical applications include large marine craft, ظروف, railroad cars, structurals and elevator cars.
5454 ورق آلومینیوم: Excellent corrosion resistance and, unlike the other magnesium alloys, it maintains that rating when functioning in the 150-300 degrees F range where the others would be prone to stress corrosion. Not a decorative alloy but well adapted to the applied finishing processes. استحکام بالا, excellent weldability, fair formability, and poor machinability. Non-heat treatable. Typical applications include dump bodies, exhaust stacks, قطعات دریایی, and chemical handling vessels.