Alumiiniprofiilit are the most widely used non-ferrous metal structural materials in industry. Aluminum materials with different cross-sectional shapes are obtained from aluminum rods through hot melting and extrusion.
The production process of aluminum profile mainly includes three processes: valu, extrusion and coloring. Coloring mainly includes oxidation, electrophoretic coating, fluorocarbon spraying, powder spraying, wood grain transfer and other processes.
According to the reconsidered decisions from the UK Trade Remedies Authority (TRA), TRA kept two original decisions. Ensimmäinen, TRA will keep imposing anti-dumping measures on certain aluminium extrusions from China. Toinen, TRA made the final negative determination in relation to large aluminium extrusions (products over 310mm cross-sectional dimension and products with a weight greater than 14kg/metre).
The reconsideration was initiated after an application from a UK manufacturer. During the investigation, the TRA found that injury to the UK industry was occurring, having found clear evidence of price undercutting.
Alumiiniprofiilit are used in a wide range of fields, including national defense, ilmailu, rakentaminen, sähkövoima, viestintää, autojen, medical (aluminum barrels, aluminum bottles, jne.) and daily necessities.
Due to different cross-sectional shapes, aluminum extruded profile can be subdivided into many types, such as door and window aluminum profiles and curtain wall aluminum profiles for construction, special radiator aluminum profiles for CPU radiators, aluminum alloy shelf aluminum profiles, jne.
Aluminum profile manufacturers will process them according to customer needs. Samaan aikaan, with the continuous advancement of technology and the expansion of application fields, the varieties and specifications of aluminum profiles are also increasing to meet the changing market.
Alumiiniprofiilit voidaan jakaa 1024, 2011, 6063, 6061, 6082, 7075 ja muut alumiiniprofiilien seoslaadut, minkä 6 sarja on yleisin.
Eri laatujen ero on se, että eri metalliosien suhde on erilainen, lukuun ottamatta yleisesti käytettyjä ovien ja ikkunoiden alumiiniprofiileja. Arkkitehtonisten alumiiniprofiilien lisäksi mm 60 sarja, 70 sarja, 80 sarja, 90 sarja, ja verhoseinäsarja, teollisille alumiiniprofiileille ei ole selkeää mallieroa, ja useimmat valmistajat käsittelevät ne asiakkaiden todellisten piirustusten mukaan.
Extruded Aluminum profile is a profile made of aluminum as the main component, which is often used in construction, koriste, machinery manufacturing and other fields.
Aluminum extrusion profiles have the characteristics of light weight, voimakas, korroosionkestävyys, and easy processing, so they are widely used in various fields. Common aluminum profiles are aluminum alloy profiles and pure aluminum profiles.
Aluminum alloy profiles are made by alloying aluminum with other metal elements, which have better strength and corrosion resistance.
Johtajana aluminium extrusion profiles valmistaja Kiinassa, RAYIWELL MFG / TOP Metallin valmistus sinulla on edistyneitä kokemuksia alumiinipuristeprofiileista. Tarjoamme valikoiman räätälöityjä alumiiniprofiileja, alumiinipuristeet, ja suuri rakenteellinen suulakepuristus. Alumiiniprofiilit sopivat ihanteellisesti kone- ja laitosrakentamisen rakenteisiin. Suuri etu on profiilien pieni paino ja joustava liitostekniikka.