In our factory, the aluminium sheets for sale mainly includes 1000 sorozat alumíniumlemez, 3000 series aluminum sheet and 8011 alumíniumlemez. These three type sheet of aluminium has their unique specifications, advantages and properties. The customers can choose the best kind of sheet aluminium according to their needs.
Először, alumínium 1000 series are the most common aluminum alloys among the 8 sorozatú alumínium ötvözet. Its most important advantage is the aluminum content and the density. Például, according to international standard, the aluminum content of aluminum alloy 1100 must be more than 99.00%, while aluminium alloy 1050 must be more than 99.50%. Hasonlóképpen, an eligible 1060 aluminum sheet must contain more 99.60% aluminum components. As types of pure aluminium sheet recognized in the aluminum business field, 1050 alumíniumlemez, 1060 alumínium lemez és 1100 aluminum sheet are not only more useful but also more economical than other types of aluminium sheets.