Name Plate Anodized black aluminium sheet supplier RAYIWELL MFG can supply aluminum plate at good price. Anodized aluminum sheet is aluminum that has been treated to develop an exceptionally durable finish. To create anodized aluminum, you use an electrochemical process where the metal is immersed in a series of tanks, wherein one of the tanks, the anodic layer is grown from the metal itself
pembangunan kita tergantung pada peralatan canggih, bakat yang sangat baik dan kekuatan teknologi terus diperkuat.
Anodizing is an electrochemical process of altering the surface appearance and properties of metals. It toughens and thickness the protective oxide. In fact, the resulting finish is the second hardest to diamond. Black anodizing of aluminium helps protect against corrosion, resists scratching, and improves aesthetic properties.
Although the chemical anodizing procedure is the same for any given application, the methods vary depending on the physical shape and type of aluminum alloy used.
The process involves the unwinding of the pre-rolled coils through anodizing, etching, and cleaning steps. This method is suitable for high volume foil, lembar, and products, such as space bars, reflektor, and roofing system
The fundamental difference between anodized aluminum and non-anodized aluminum is that the former has a layer of oxide over the surface, whereas the latter does not. From a practical standpoint, anodized aluminum offers several benefits. The main benefit of anodized aluminum is greater protection from corrosion
Anodizing is used vastly in the industry for a range of metals to give them better structure and more durability. Anodizing provides manufacturers and users with several advantages; better appearance, increased durability and strength to name a few
Anodized Aluminum products and components are used in thousands of commercial, industrial and consumer applications, termasuk
- Structures and architectural categories of all types
- Appliances
- Commercial and residential building products
- Food preparation equipment
- Mebel
- Sporting goods and boats
- Motor vehicle components
Here are a few applications entirely or partially made up of lembaran aluminium:
- Building exteriors, such as storefronts, curtain walls and roofing systems.
- Appliances such as refrigerators, dryers, coffee brewers, ranges, televisions, microwave equipment.
- Vents, tenda, duct covers, light fixtures, storm doors, window frames, mailboxes, bathroom accessories, patio covers and wall switch plates for buildings.
- Display cases, pans, coolers and grills for the food industry.
- Tables, beds, files and storage chests for home and offices.
- Golf carts, boats, and camping / fishing equipment for the leisure industry.
- Hundreds of components for motor vehicles of all kinds such as trim parts, wheel covers, control panels, and name plates.
- Exterior panels for aerospace vehicles, clocks and electronic products, fire extinguishers, photo equipment, solar panels, telephones, picture frames, and bathroom accessories.
- Interior decoration and trim.
Aluminium sheet supplier RAYIWELL MFG can supply 1050 1060 1070 2024 3003 4017 5052 plat aluminium, lembaran aluminium anodisasi, Lembaran aluminium yang disikat, Lembaran aluminium jadi cermin, pelat aluminium berlian, pelat tapak aluminium, 5 pelat aluminium batangan, 3 batangan plat aluminium coil dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif.
Kumparan Aluminium atau Supplier Lembaran Plat Aluminium RAYIWELL MFG dapat mensuplai plat Aluminium mengacu pada bahan aluminium dengan ketebalan lebih dari 0,2mm hingga kurang dari 500mm, lebar lebih dari 200mm, dan panjangnya kurang dari 16m. Dengan kemajuan peralatan besar, masih ada lagi pelat aluminium yang lebarnya bisa mencapai 600mm).
Pelat aluminium mengacu pada pelat persegi panjang yang diproses dengan menggulung batangan aluminium, yang dibagi menjadi pelat aluminium murni, paduan plat aluminium, pelat aluminium tipis, pelat aluminium dengan ketebalan sedang, dan plat alumunium bermotif.
Kumparan Aluminium Supplier Lembaran Plat Aluminium RAYIWELL MFG / RUIYI dapat menawarkan lembaran aluminium kelas di bawah ini
1000 seri:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, dll.
2000 seri:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618dll.
3000 seri:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, dll.
4000 seri:4032,4043, 4017, dll
5000 seri: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, dll.
6000 seri:6061,6063,6262,6101, dll
7000 seri:7072,7075,7003 dll
8000 seri: 8011, dll.
Temper lembaran aluminium: itu, H, W, F, T
H:H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H32, H34, H111, H112, H114, H116
T: T0-T651
Ukuran dari lembaran aluminium
kumparan ibu: CC atau DC
Berat: Sekitar 2mt per palet untuk ukuran umum
MOQ: 5ton per ukuran
Perlindungan: kertas antar lapisan, film putih, film biru, film hitam putih, film terikat mikro, sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Permukaan: bersih dan halus, tidak ada titik terang, korosi, minyak, slotted, dll.
Produk standar: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
Waktu pengiriman: sekitar 30 hari setelah menerima deposit
Pembayaran: T/T, L/C pada pandangan
Ketentuan perdagangan: FOB, CIF, CFR
Kumparan lembaran aluminium memiliki banyak aplikasi seperti di bawah ini
1. Dekorasi pencahayaan 2. Reflektor surya 3. Penampilan bangunan 4. Dekorasi dalam ruangan: langit-langit, dinding, dll. 5. Mebel, lemari 6. Lift 7. Tanda-tanda, papan nama, tas 8. Dekorasi interior dan eksterior mobil 9. Dekorasi interior: seperti bingkai foto 10. Peralatan Rumah tangga: lemari es, oven microwave, perlengkapan audio, dll. 11. Aspek kedirgantaraan dan militer, seperti manufaktur pesawat besar Tiongkok, Seri pesawat ruang angkasa Shenzhou, satelit, dll. 12. Pemrosesan bagian mekanis 13. Pembuatan cetakan 14. Lapisan pipa kimia atau isolasi. 15. Papan kapal berkualitas tinggi
Kami percaya bahwa kemitraan jangka panjang adalah hasil dari kualitas tinggi, layanan nilai tambah, rich experience and personal contact for aluminium sheet coil, Jika Anda memiliki komentar tentang perusahaan atau produk kami, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami, surat Anda yang akan datang akan sangat dihargai.