The heat sink Aluminum profiles are specially designed structures made from aluminum that are used to dissipate heat from electronic components. They are commonly used in computers, LED lights, power amplifiers, and other devices that generate a significant amount of heat.
I profili in alluminio sono ideali per le costruzioni nella costruzione di macchine e impianti. Il grande vantaggio è il peso ridotto dei profili e una tecnologia di connessione flessibile.
Aluminum heat sink profiles manufacturer RAYIWELL MFG / TFabbricazione di metallo OP have advanced experiences with customized aluminum heat sink profiles, profili in alluminio, estrusi in alluminio, e grande estrusione strutturale.
The aluminum heat sink profiles refers to its shape and design, which can vary depending on the specific application and thermal requirements.
The aluminum heat sink profiles are made by extruding aluminum through a die to create a specific shape. They typically have fins or ridges on the surface to increase the surface area, allowing for better heat dissipation.
Aluminum heat sink profiles are widely used in various industries and applications for their excellent thermal conductivity and lightweight properties. Some of the common applications of aluminum heat sinks include:
1. Electronics: Aluminum heat sink profiles are extensively used in electronic devices such as computers, laptops, smartphones, and LED lights to dissipate heat generated by electronic components like processors, graphic cards, and power transistors.
2. Power electronics: Aluminum Heat sink profiles made of aluminum are used in power electronic devices such as inverters, power supplies, and motor drives to prevent overheating and ensure optimal performance and reliability.
3. Industria automobilistica: Aluminum heat sink profiles are employed in automotive applications like electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and internal combustion engines to manage the heat generated by various components such as batteries, power electronics, and engine blocks.
4. Industrial machinery: aluminum heat profiles are used in industrial machinery and equipment, including CNC machines, laser cutting machines, and power generators, to dissipate heat generated during operation and prevent damage to critical components.
5. Industria dell'illuminazione: Aluminum heat sink profiles are widely used in LED lighting fixtures to dissipate heat generated by the LED chips, ensuring longer lifespan and maintaining optimal performance.
6. Telecommunications: Heat sinks made of aluminum are used in telecommunications equipment such as routers, switches, and base stations to dissipate heat generated by high-power transmitters and processors.
7. Aerospace and aviation: Aluminum heat sink profiles find application in aerospace and aviation industries, where they are used in avionics, satellite systems, and aircraft engines to manage heat generated by electronic components and power systems.
8. Medical equipment: Aluminum heat sinks are used in medical equipment such as MRI machines, X-ray machines, and laser systems to dissipate heat generated by high-power components and ensure reliable and safe operation.
Complessivamente, the application of aluminum heat sinks is crucial in various industries to maintain the optimal temperature of electronic components, improve energy efficiency, and prevent overheating-related failures.
In-depth analysis of aluminum radiator profiles Aluminum radiator profiles are a common and widely used radiator material.
It is made of high-purity aluminum alloy, which is lightweight, has good thermal conductivity and has strong plasticity.
Aluminum radiator profiles are widely used in various electronic equipment, automobili, industrial equipment and other fields to provide heat dissipation and protect equipment from overheating damage.
Industrial aluminium extrusion profiles are also called industrial aluminum extrusions and industrial aluminum alloy profiles.
Industrial aluminium profiles are alloy materials with aluminum as the main component. Aluminum rods are hot-melted and extruded to obtain aluminum materials with different cross-sectional shapes, but The proportion of the added alloy is different, and the mechanical properties and application fields of the produced industrial aluminum profiles are also different.
Fields of application Generally speaking, industrial aluminum profiles refer to all aluminum profiles except for building doors and windows, tende da pareti, interior and exterior decoration, and aluminum profiles for building structures.
Aluminum products made of alluminio and other alloying elements. Di solito viene trasformato in fusioni, forgiati, fogli, piatti, strisce, tubi, canne, profili, eccetera., e poi lavorato mediante piegatura a freddo, segare, perforazione, montaggio, e colorazione. L'elemento metallico principale è l'alluminio, aggiungendo alcuni elementi in lega per migliorare le prestazioni dell'alluminio
Elettroforesi profilo in alluminio
1. Forte resistenza alla corrosione: la superficie ha elevate prestazioni anticorrosive, che può prevenire efficacemente l'acido, corrosione alcalina e salina. È la migliore varietà per l'anticorrosione della malta da costruzione.
2. Durata delle prestazioni soddisfacente, anche in ambienti difficili e difficili, può garantire una durata di vita superiore a 50 anni senza corrosione, invecchiamento, dissolvenza, o cadere.
3. La sensazione della mano è liscia e delicata, e l'aspetto è luminoso e bello. Magnifico. Sono disponibili vari colori.
4. La durezza del film di vernice è elevata. Può sopportare la durezza della penna in alluminio superiore a 3H per disegnare e incidere
Profili in alluminio ossidato
Il substrato viene utilizzato come anodo, posto nell'elettrolita per l'elettrolisi, e una pellicola protettiva di ossido viene formata artificialmente sulla superficie del substrato per formare un materiale di allumina.
Principali caratteristiche del materiale in allumina:
1. Ha una forte resistenza all'usura, resistenza agli agenti atmosferici e resistenza alla corrosione.
2. Può formare una varietà di colori sulla superficie del substrato, che è più adatto alle tue esigenze.
3. Durezza forte, adatto per la produzione di vari materiali da costruzione e industriali.
(1) Alluminio da costruzione
1. Tetto: 1050, 1100, 3105, 5052
2. Residenza, magazzino, fabbrica, ufficio, negozio: 1050, 1100, 3003, 5005, 5052, 6063 tavole, profili
3. Assi del pavimento, pareti interne, scomparti: 1100, 5005, 6063 tavole, profili
4. Fori di ventilazione, corrimano, illuminatore: 1080, 5052, 5N01, 6063 profili, piatti
5. Porta: 1050, 1100, 5005, 5052, 6063 tavole e profili
6. Persiane: 5052, 5182 tavole
7. Binario per finestra per tende: 5052, 6063 piatto sagomato, piatto
8. Porta reticolare e battente: 5052, 6063 tavole, forme, tubi
9. Finestra astringente: 1100, 5052, 6063 forme, piatti
10. Telaio della finestra: 6063 profilo
11. Parete: 5052, 6061, 6N01, 6063, 5056 tavole, profili, fili
12. Balcone: 5052, 6063, 6Profili N01
(2) Alluminio per uso industriale
1. Identificazione del percorso: 5052, 6061, 6063 lastre e profili
2. Recinzione alta per strade private: 6061, 6N01, 6063, 5083 forme, piatti, tubi
3. Colonna luminosa: 5052, 5083, 6063 tubi
4. Ponti, ponti passo dopo passo: 5083, 6061, 6N01, 7003, 7Profili N01, piatti, fogli tubieri, profili
5. Parete fonoassorbente 1100, 5052, 6063 forme, piatti, tubi
6. Piccole strutture prominenti: 2014, 5052, 5083, 6061 6N01, 6063, 7003, 7Profili N01, piatti, tubi
7. Carrello: 5083, 6101, 6063, 7003 profili
8. Sovrastruttura di linee irrilevanti: 5052, 5083, 6061, 6N01, 7003, 7Forme N01, piatti, tubi
9. Piastra di supporto per ingegneria agricola: 7N01, 7003 profilo
10. Impalcatura (per la cantieristica navale e l'edilizia): 5052, 6N01, 6063 lastre e profili
11. Cancello: 5052, 5083 tavole, forme
12. Copertura: 6063 profilo
(3) Materiali in alluminio per componenti di macchine elettriche
1. Normali scopi decorativi: 1080, 1070, 1050, 6063 tavole e profili
2. Forte sedile superiore elettrico e scheda di manutenzione: 1100, 5052, 5082 tavole
3. Scatola di manutenzione, scatola del condensatore: 1100, 1050 tavole
4. Condensatori elettrici: 1085, 1070, 1050 Foglio
5. Batteria variabile: 1100, 1050, 1070, 5052 piatti, fogli
6. Cuscinetto: 2011, 2017 asta, tubo
7. Cornice dell'altoparlante: 1100, 5052 tavole
8. Pomello: 2011, 5052, 5056, 6063, 6262 asta, piatto
9. Grazie per aver chiuso la bacheca: 1100, 5052 tavole
10. Cuore di metallo di Zao Han Cannone leggero: 3004 Asse
11. Cuore luminoso in metallo: 1100 piatti
12. Riscaldatore guaina: 1100, 3003, 6063 tubi
13. Tubo conduttivo: 1050, 3003, 6063 forme, tubi
14. Collettore di calore a semiconduttore: 1050, 6063 piatti, forme
15. filo di terra TV: 1100, 3003, 6063 tubi
16. Mobile TV: 5052 tavole
17. Cilindro in VTR: 2018, 2618 canne
18. Guida cinghia in VTR: 5052, 5056, 6063, 7003 forme, tubi
19. Piatto quadrato magnetico: 5086 piatto
20. Tamburo magnetico: 2025, 2218, 4032 prodotti contraffatti
21. Filo di terra radar e antenna parabolica: 6061, 6N01, 6063 profili
22. Telaio del motore: 1050, 6063 piatti, forme
23. Bobina rotante: 1060, 6101 profili, 2024, 7Profili N01, 1060, 6101, 6061, 6063 profili, piatti, tubi
24. Rivestimento del cavo: 1050 tubo, piatto
25. Pale del ventilatore di ventilazione: 1100, 3003, 5052 tavole
26. Fornello elettrico: 1100, 3003, 3004, 5Piastre N01
27. Foglio freddo Poly: 1100, 1200, 1050, 3003, 7072 piatti
28. Fotocopiatrice stradale: 1050, 3003, 6063 tubi
Profili in alluminio estruso (aluminum extrusion profiles ) is used for a wide range of purposes, including components of the International Space Station. With its pliability, lightweight and strength, extruded aluminum offers endless application opportunities in Architecture & Costruzione, Energy, Trasporti & Vehicles, Electronics, Industrial Design and General Engineering.
These diverse applications are possible due to the advantageous attributes of aluminum, its particular blend of strength and ductility to its conductivity, its non-magnetic properties and its ability to be recycled repeatedly without loss of integrity. All of these capabilities make extruded aluminum a viable and adaptable solution for an growing number of manufacturing needs.
Industrial aluminium extrusion profiles are widely used and highly versatile. It is famous for its environmental protection, convenient assembly and disassembly, time saving and long service life.
There are many varieties and complete specifications of industrial aluminum profiles, which are suitable for various types of mechanical devices; no welding is required, the size is convenient to adjust, and the structure is easy to change; the dimensional tolerance is strict and the surface finish is high; the assembly work is convenient and fast, and the productivity is high; the surface is anodized Treatment, anti corrosivo, spray-free, beautiful and generous, can increase the added value of products.
Applicable scope of application: production lines, assembly line operation workbenches, office partitions, screens, industrial fences and various frames, espositori, scaffali, mechanical dustproof seal covers, eccetera.