China Marine aluminum plate sheet supplier RAYIWELL MFG / RuiYi Aluminum is a top leading manufacturing supplier of marine aluminum plate with ABS/ DNV /CCS approved in China.
We can supply Marine aluminum plate that is a necessary material for shipbuilding. For shipbuilding enterprises, it has superior anti-corrosion performance, A stable supply of aluminum alloy ship plates is extremely important.
7075 piastra in alluminio marino, its corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance are good, it also has good easy processing , and Wear resistance and workability are also good, with high strength below 150 ° C, and particularly good Low temperature strength, poor welding performance, tendency to stress corrosion cracking, double-stage aging can improve SCC resistance.
6061 marine aluminum plate has excellent processing performance, excellent welding characteristics and electroplating properties, buona resistenza alla corrosione, durezza, easy to polish, color film, excellent oxidation effect.
5052 piastra in alluminio marino is AL-Mg alloy gold aluminum plate, which is the most widely used anti-rust aluminum. Molta forza, especially fatigue resistance: high plasticity and corrosion resistance, cannot be strengthened by heat treatment, Good plasticity in semi-cold work hardening, low plasticity in cold work hardening, buona resistenza alla corrosione, buona saldabilità, Poor cutting performance, can be polished. 5052 aluminum plate is often used for sheet metal parts of transportation vehicles, navi, instruments, street, Lamp brackets and rivets, hardware products, electrical enclosures, eccetera.
5083 bobine di alluminio belongs to Al-Mg series alloy. It is the highest strength corrosion-resistant alloy among practical non-heat-treated alloys. And it is suitable for welding structures. Anche, it is worth mentioning that 5083 aluminium sheet has good resistance to seawater and low-temperature characteristics. Perciò, 5083 aluminium sheet has become the most suitable choice for marine-grade aluminium.
The main alloying element in 5083 marine aluminum plate alloy is magnesium, which has good corrosion resistance and weldability and medium intensity. Excellent corrosion resistance enables alloy 5083 to be widely used in marine applications such as ships, and Automobiles, aircraft welding parts, subway light rails, pressure vessels that require strict fire protection (such as liquid tankers, refrigerated trucks), refrigerated containers), unità di refrigerazione, torri televisive, drilling equipment, mezzi di trasporto, parti di missili, Armor etc. Good strength, corrosion resistance and machinability in non-heat treatable alloys. Anodized table Beautiful face. Can be processed into optical mechanical parts. Ship parts and wire clips.
Among the alloy states of 5083 aluminium sheet plate, most are H111/H112/H116/H321. Tra loro, the magnesium content of 5083-h116 aluminum sheet is as high as 4.9%, which is a high-magnesium alloy. It has high corrosion resistance and can resist the erosion of seawater. It is mostly used for underwater parts of ships.
The density of 5083-h116 aluminum sheet is low, only 2.66 g/cm³; the tensile strength of 5083 alloy is higher, which is higher than some low-carbon mild steel, and it is durable and has excellent corrosion resistance; 5083 h116 lamiera di alluminio The welding performance is also very good, and it is not easy to crack and deform after processing.
5083-h116 and 5083-H321 aluminum plates have better corrosion resistance and are more suitable for the underwater environment of the ocean than H111 and H112 temper. Although the temperature of 5083H116 and H321 aluminum sheets are slightly different in the production process, the corrosion resistance is significantly better than other tempers.
The use of 5083-h116 aluminum sheet for marine aluminum sheet depends on three factors
1. Consider light weight.
Marine aluminum plates generally use thin plates over 1.6mm and thicker 5083-h116 aluminum sheets over 30mm. Aluminum-magnesium alloys have low density and light weight, which can reduce the weight of the hull and increase the load capacity.
2. Consider from the aspect of corrosion resistance.
5083 h116 aluminum sheet belongs to the aluminum-magnesium alloy, which is a typical anti-rust aluminum, which can adapt to the highly corrosive seawater environment for a long time.
3. Consider from the aspect of safety.
5083-h116 aluminum sheet has medium strength, good processing performance, excellent weldability, resistenza alla fatica, no cracks, and can still meet the strength and corrosion resistance requirements after processing, which can ensure the safety of the ship
Bobina madre: CC o CC
Foglio di alluminio | La piastra in alluminio è disponibile in varie leghe che offrono una gamma di saldabilità, resistenza alla corrosione e lavorabilità.
Il foglio di alluminio è qualsiasi foglio di alluminio più spesso del foglio ma più sottile di 6 mm; è disponibile in molte forme, inclusa la piastra diamantata, allargato, lamiera di alluminio forata e verniciata. La piastra di alluminio è qualsiasi lamiera di alluminio più spessa di 6 mm
Grado di foglio di alluminio disponibile
1000 serie:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, eccetera.
2000 serie:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618un ecc.
3000 serie:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, eccetera.
4000 serie:4032,4043, 4017, eccetera
5000 serie: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, eccetera.
6000 serie:6061,6063,6262,6101, eccetera
7000 serie:7072,7075,7003 eccetera
8000 serie: 8011, eccetera.
As a shipbuilding material, aluminum alloy has small specific gravity and elastic modulus, resistenza alla corrosione, saldabilità, facile lavorazione, non-magnetic and good low temperature performance.
1. Using aluminum alloy, the density of aluminum is low, the weight of the ship is reduced, the single engine capacity can be reduced, the speed can be increased; the fuel consumption can be reduced, and the oil can be saved; the aspect ratio of the ship can be improved, the stability can be increased, and the ship can be easily maneuvered. ; can also increase the load capacity for extra profit.
2. Buona resistenza alla corrosione, reduce maintenance costs such as oiling, and have a long trial period.
3. Buone prestazioni di lavorazione e formatura, easy to carry out various forms of processing such as cutting, timbratura, piegatura a freddo, formatura e taglio, suitable for streamlining the hull; it can extrude large wide and thin-walled profiles, reduce the number of welds and make The hull structure is rationalized and lightweight.
4. Good welding performance, easier to weld.
5. The elastic modulus is small, the ability to absorb impact stress is large, and there is greater safety.
6. Aluminum scrap is easy to recycle and can be recycled.
7. No low temperature brittleness, suitable for low temperature equipment.
8. Due to its non-magnetic properties, the compass is not affected; the all-aluminum boat can avoid mine attacks and is suitable for sweeping thunder.
9. No insect pests and dry deformation; no burning, safer in case of fire.
The ship side and bottom outer plate can be made of 5083 piastra di alluminio, 5086 piastra di alluminio, 5456 A causa delle diverse materie prime delle lastre di alluminio 5052 piastra di alluminio. The excellent corrosion resistance of aluminum ship plate can better resist the erosion of seawater and prolong the life of the ship.
3003 piastra di alluminio, 3004 A causa delle diverse materie prime delle lastre di alluminio 5052 aluminum plate can be used for the top plate and side plate of the marine vessel.
The wheelhouse can be made of 5083 piastra di alluminio, 6N01 aluminum plate and 5052 piastra di alluminio. The non-magnetic aluminum plate will not affect the compass and ensure the correct direction of the ship during sailing.
Popular alloy for shipping building: mainly 5 serie e 6 leghe di alluminio di serie, represented by 5083 piastra di alluminio, Compreso 5083 piastra di alluminio, 5086 piastra di alluminio, 5052 piastra di alluminio, 5383 piastra di alluminio, 5454 piastra di alluminio, 5456 piastra di alluminio, 5754 piastra di alluminio, 6061 piastra di alluminio, 6063 piastra di alluminio, eccetera.
Product of alloy features: bassa densità, molta forza, reduce the weight of the ship; anti corrosivo, durevole, economical and environmentally friendly.