L'alluminio primario non legato si riferisce all'alluminio che non è stato mescolato o combinato con altri elementi o metalli. È alluminio puro nella sua forma più elementare, with a high level of purity.
Primary unalloyed aluminum is often used as a base material for the production of various aluminum alloys, which are created by adding specific elements to enhance the properties of the metal for different applications.
Mexico decided to withdraw a 35% tariff on primary unalloyed alluminio and a 20% tariff on primary alloy, imposed in late April, from countries with which it does not have a trade agreement. Mexico’s government indicated the decision to eliminate tariffs was due to a lack of domestic production. Besides, it stated that imports from countries with trade treaties were insufficient to meet demand in the automotive, auto parts, and electronics industries.
Central bank data reveals that 42% of Mexico’s raw alluminio imports originate from China, highlighting its significant role. Mexico’s automotive and electronics sectors have grown as international manufacturers relocated production to the country to streamline supply chains and serve North American consumers more efficiently.