Many European metal manufacturers might face to shut down their production because of high electricity costs because Russia stopped supplying natural gas to Europe and made energy prices hike. 故に, the European non-ferrous metals association (Eurometaux) indicated that the EU should solve the problems.
Decreasing production of zinc, アルミニウム, and silicon in Europe made the European shortage supply of steel, 自動車, and construction industries increase.
Eurometaux advised the EU to support the companies, which faced difficult operations, 5,000 万ユーロのしきい値を引き上げることにより. この支援には、政府がエネルギー集約型産業への資金を改善して、排出量取引システムによる炭素価格の上昇のコストを削減できることが含まれていました。 (ETS).