3003 aluminum sheet plate is mainly composed of aluminum and manganese, その間 5052 aluminum plate is an alloy of aluminum and magnesium.
The tensile strength and corrosion resistance of 5052 aluminum sheet plate are better than those of 3003 aluminum plate because it contains magnesium, which enhances stability and strength.
3003 aluminum plates are mainly used in humid environments, such as product packaging, 冷蔵庫, エアコン, ventilation ducts, 等.
5052 aluminum plate is widely used in electrical casings, transportation vehicles, pressure vessels and other fields. It is also a common material for manufacturing automobiles, aircraft fuel tanks, oil pipes and other products.
以来 5052 aluminum plate has better properties and application areas, its price is higher than 3003 アルミ板.
加えて, in addition to thin plates and thick plates, 5052 アルミニウム板 are also widely used, which is different from 3003 アルミニウム板, which are mainly thin plates.
3003 aluminum is essentially commercially pure aluminum with the addition of manganese which increases the strength approx. 10% 以上 1100 等級のアルミニウム合金.
3003 aluminum may show some slight discoloration when anodized, しかし、それは機械的および有機的な仕上げによく反応します.
3003 アルミニウム板 has highly workable, 成形可能, そして非常に耐食性. フルサイズおよびカスタムカット長でご利用いただけます.
相当する合金名 3003 アルミニウム
A3003, 3003A, aa3003, 3003ああ, al3003, al3003a, A 3003, ああ 3003, ジス a3003p, al3003クラス, aw3003, en3003グレードなど
マザーコイル: CCまたはDC
重量: 一般的なサイズで1パレットあたり約2mt
MOQ: 5-10トン/サイズ
保護: 紙中間層, 白フィルム, ブルーフィルム, 白黒フィルム, マイクロバウンドフィルム, あなたの条件に応じて.
表面: きれいで滑らか, 輝点なし, 腐食, 油, スロット付き, 等.
標準品: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209, EN573
納期: 沈殿物を受け取った後約 30 日
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