5454 アルミ板は錆びにくい代表的なアルミです. その強さは とほぼ同じです。 5154, 約 20% ~より大きい 5052 アルミニウム.
ザ・ 5454 grade aluminum was developed for use in the manufacture of アルミシート into tank, dry bulk trailers and dump bodies. アルミニウム合金 5454 非常に優れた耐食性を持っています, 特に海水や一般的な環境条件に対して.
AL 5454 is a non-heat treatable alloy of aluminum and magnesium. It is a moderate strength alloy that may be hardened (strengthened) by cold working
合金 5454 アルミ板 is widely used in the manufacture of chemical storage tanks, automotive wheels and in particular those applications that may be subject to temperatures in excess of 150ºF.
Aluminum Name:
1000 シリーズ:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, 等.
2000 シリーズ:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618など.
3000 シリーズ:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, 等.
4000 シリーズ:4032,4043, 4017, 等
5000 シリーズ: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, 等.
6000 シリーズ:6061,6063,6262,6101, 等
7000 シリーズ:7072,7075,7003 等
8000 シリーズ: 8011, 等.
マザーコイル: CCまたはDC
重量: 一般的なサイズで1パレットあたり約2mt
MOQ: 5-15 トン/サイズ
保護: 紙中間層, 白フィルム, ブルーフィルム, 白黒フィルム, マイクロバウンドフィルム, あなたの条件に応じて.
表面: きれいで滑らか, 輝点なし, 腐食, 油, スロット付き, 等.
標準品: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
納期: 沈殿物を受け取った後約 30 日
Be free from Oil Stain, Dent, Inclusion, Scratches, Stain, Oxide Discoloration, Breaks, Corrosion, Roll Marks, Dirt Streaks and other defect which will interfere with use
Surface without black line, clean cut, periodic stain, roller printing defects, such as other internal Control standards.
You can’t see any tiny space between the plates when they are piled up. And the surface is smoothly without freckles.
We have strict and professional procedures of production:
(1)Before Producing :
Assurance of compliance the standard and material according to customer’s order;
Making production plan according to customer’s order ;
Starting producing after receiving the payment from customer
(2)Finished production :
Chemical test and Mechanical test by our quality department, Visual examination
Thickness measurement (Continuous Ultrasonic)
Length dimension control.
Flatness,Straightness,Visual & Dimension check of edge
Weight control
(3)checking before delivery :
Checking for packages
Certificate of compliance
Checking for Shipping mark and quantity