Alumīnija spole ir metāla izstrādājums, kas tiek pakļauts lidojošai bīdei pēc tam, kad tas ir velmēts ar liešanas un velmēšanas mašīnu un apstrādāts, velkot un liekot leņķus.
Alumīnija spole tiek plaši izmantoti elektronikā, iepakojums, būvniecība, tehnika, utt. RAYIWELL MFG / RuiYi Aluminium kā viens no alumīnija spoļu ražotājiem Ķīnā, ražošanas tehnoloģija ir panākusi attīstītās valstis.
According to the different metal elements contained in aluminium coil, it can be roughly divided into 9 kategorijām. , kuras var iedalīt 9 sērija.
1000 sērija
The representative 1000 series aluminium coil is also called pure aluminum plate. Among all the series, uz 1000 series belongs to the series with the most aluminum content. The purity can reach more than 99.00%. Jo tajā nav citu tehnisko elementu, ražošanas process ir salīdzinoši vienkāršs un cena ir salīdzinoši lēta. It is the most commonly used series in conventional industries at present. Most of the circulating in the market are 1050 un 1060 sērija.
The minimum aluminum content of the 1000 sērija alumīnija spole is determined according to the last two Arabic numerals. Piemēram, the last two Arabic numerals of the 1050 sērijas ir 50. Saskaņā ar starptautisko zīmolu nosaukšanas principu, the aluminum content must reach 99.5% or more to qualify as a product. my country’s aluminum alloy technical standard (gB/T3880-2006) also clearly stipulates that the aluminum content of 1050 should reach 99.5%. In the same way, alumīnija saturs 1060 series aluminum plates must reach more than 99.6%.
2000 sērija alumīnija plate
Representative 2A16 (LY16) 2A06 (LY6) 2000 series aluminum plate is characterized by high hardness, among which the content of copper is the highest, par 3-5%. The 2000 series aluminum plate belongs to aviation aluminum, which is not commonly used in conventional industries. There are fewer manufacturers of 2000 series aluminum sheets in my country.
3000 sērija alumīnija plate
Rep. 3003 3003 3A21-based. It can also be called anti-rust aluminum plate. The production process of 3000 series aluminum plate in China is relatively excellent. The 3000 series aluminum plate is mainly composed of manganese. The content is between 1.0-1.5. It is a series with better anti-rust function. Routinely used in humid environments such as air conditioners, ledusskapji, and undercars, the price is higher than the 1000 sērija, and it is a more commonly used alloy series.
4000 sērija alumīnija plāksne
The aluminum plate represented by 4A01 4000 series belongs to the series with higher silicon content. Usually the silicon content is between 4.5-6.0%. It belongs to building materials, mehāniskās daļas, forging materials, welding materials; low melting point, good corrosion resistance Product description: Has the characteristics of heat resistance and wear resistance.
5000 sērija
Represents the 5052.5005.5083.5A05 series. The 5000 series aluminum plate belongs to the more commonly used alloy aluminum plate series, the main element is magnesium, and the magnesium content is between 3-5%. It can also be called aluminum-magnesium alloy.
The main features are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation. In the same area, the weight of aluminum-magnesium alloy is lower than other series. tāpēc, it is often used in aviation, such as aircraft fuel tanks. It is also widely used in conventional industries. The processing technology is continuous casting and rolling, which belongs to the series of hot-rolled aluminum plates, so it can be used for oxidation deep processing.
6000 sērija
It means that 6061 mainly contains magnesium and silicon, so the advantages of 4000 sērija un 5000 series are concentrated. 6061 is a cold-processed aluminum forged product, suitable for applications requiring high corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance. Good workability, excellent interface characteristics, easy coating, good processability. Can be used on low pressure weapons and aircraft connectors.
General characteristics of 6061: excellent interface characteristics, easy coating, augsta izturība, laba darba spēja, and strong corrosion resistance.
Tipiski lietojumi 6061 alumīnijs: gaisa kuģu daļas, camera parts, couplers, marine accessories and hardware, electronic accessories and joints, decorative or various hardware, hinge heads, magnetic heads, brake pistons, hydraulic pistons, electrical accessories, valves and valve parts .
7000 sērija
On behalf of 7075 mainly contains zinc. It also belongs to the aviation series. It is an aluminum-magnesium-zinc-copper alloy. It is a heat-treatable alloy. It belongs to superhard aluminum alloy and has good wear resistance.
The thick 7075 aluminum plate is all ultrasonically detected, which can ensure no blisters and impurities.
The high thermal conductivity of the 7075 aluminum plate can shorten the forming time and improve work efficiency.
The main feature is that the hardness is high. 7075 is a high-hardness, high-strength aluminum alloy, which is often used in the manufacture of aircraft structures and futures. It requires high-stress structural parts with high strength and strong corrosion resistance, and mold manufacturing.
8000 sērija
The more commonly used is 8011 which belongs to other series. In my memory, the aluminum plate is mainly used as a bottle cap, and it is also used in radiators, most of which are aluminum foil. Not very commonly used.
9000 sērija
It belongs to the spare series, and the technology is so advanced. In order to cope with the emergence of aluminum plates containing other alloying elements, the International Aluminum Strip Federation specifically indicated that the 9000 series is a spare series, waiting for another new variety to fill the gap of the 9000 sērija.
Alumīnija spole was called aluminum plates or sheets, ar biezumu 0.2 mm līdz 500 mm, platums 2600 mm, un garums 16 metri. arvien vairāk strēmelīšu).
Alumīnija plāksne attiecas uz taisnstūrveida plāksni, kas velmēta no alumīnija lietņa, kas ir sadalīta tīra alumīnija plāksnē, sakausējuma alumīnija plāksne, plāna alumīnija plāksne un vidēji bieza alumīnija plāksne.
Alumīnija plāksnes tiek plaši izmantotas būvniecībā, iepakojums, gaisa kondicionieri, ledusskapji, saules enerģija, kosmētika un citas nozares, un var izmantot arī pretkorozijas un siltuma saglabāšanai spēkstacijās, ķīmiskās un naftas ķīmijas rūpnīcas.
The raw materials of alumīnija spole are mainly pure aluminum, hot-rolled aluminum or aluminum alloy cast-rolled aluminum coils. Šīs izejvielas tiek ievietotas aukstās velmētavās un velmētas plānās dažāda biezuma un platuma alumīnija ruļļos, un tad alumīnija spoles ievieto griešanas mašīnā griešanai. Dažāda platuma alumīnija sloksnes, kas veidojas pēc sagriešanas, var spēlēt savu lomu faktiskajā darbībā.
There are many classifications of aluminium coil, piemēram, 1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 3003, 3004, utt. Ir divi galvenie alumīnija sloksnes stāvokļi: mīkstais stāvoklis un cietais stāvoklis. Mīksto stāvokli apzīmē ar burtu O, un cieto stāvokli apzīmē ar burtu H. Aiz diviem burtiem var pievienot ciparus, lai norādītu alumīnija spoles cietību vai atlaidināšanas pakāpi.
Besides, RAYIWELL can also supply prepainted aluminium coil or color coated aluminium coils with higher quality and competitive price.
What is color coated aluminium coil?
Krāsots alumīnijs (color coated aluminium coil), kā norāda nosaukums, ir veikt virsmas pārklāšanu un krāsošanas apstrādi uz alumīnija plāksnes vai (alumīnija spole). Parasti ar fluoroglekļa krāsu pārklāts alumīnijs (alumīnija spole ar krāsu pārklājumu) un ar poliestera krāsu pārklāts alumīnijs (alumīnija spole ar krāsu pārklājumu) tiek plaši izmantoti alumīnija-plastmasas paneļos, alumīnija finieri, alumīnija šūnveida paneļi, alumīnija griesti, jumta virsmas, lūžņi, kannas un elektronika. Tā veiktspēja ir ļoti stabila, un to nav viegli sarūsēt. Pēc īpašas ārstēšanas, virsmu var sasniegt 30 gadu kvalitātes nodrošināšana. Vienības tilpuma svars ir vieglākais starp metāla materiāliem. Šis ir jauns populārs profils ar alumīnija krāsas pārklājumu.