1050 aluminum sheet is a popular grade of aluminium for general sheet metal work where moderate strength is required.
aloi 1050 is known for its excellent corrosion resistance, high ductility and highly reflective finish.
1050A alloy lembaran aluminium has excellent corrosion resistance, high ductility, a moderate strength and a highly reflective finish. This grade of alloy is most suitable of use as food industrial containers, architectural flashings, cable sheathings, lamp reflectors and chemical process plant equipment.
aloi: 1050
Temper: H16, H18
Warna:RAL Warna,perak ,Golden,gangsa,Black,Pink,merah,hijau,tahan karat warna keluli
menolak:double side selesai
bijirin permukaan: gandum lurus , Nakanaga bijirin, bijirin pendek , bijirin corak silang
Perlindungan permukaan: dengan filem atau tidak,mengikut keperluan anda
pembungkusan Details: pallet kayu kuat mempercepatkan pembungkusan mengikut ISPM 15
1. Hud pelbagai dan turbin gas serombong
2. Penghawa dingin
3. pemanas air dan mengeluarkan kehangatan
4. Suis dan hidup-mati
5. perkakasan elektronik
6. Lampu dan bekas lampu
7. Aluminium panel komposit
8. Rumah dan peralatan rumah
9. shell telefon mudah alih
10. bingkai aluminium
11. ambry Fine
12. papan berlamina
13. Tanda dan nama plat
14. Ruang,kes dan beg pakaian
15. plat kalis api
16. panel komputer
17. panel hiasan kereta
Brushed aluminium sheet, also called dull polished, has 240 grit finish, the grain runs the length of the sheet. It is easy to cut and bend and at 1.5mm thick weighs about 4 kg/sqm. When planning a project remember the grain direction when ordering cut pieces. It is a decorative finish.