Thin aluminum sheet metal refers to the aluminium sheet thickness in mm is between 0.15 and 2.0mm. Pomiędzy nimi, 0.5 blacha aluminiowa mm, 1mm aluminium sheet and 2mm aluminium plate are the most popular aluminum sheet dimensions. If you measure aluminium plate thickness in inches, 1 16 aluminum sheet is about 1.5mm thickness, and this kind of alu sheet also belongs to thin sheet aluminum. As for thin gauge aluminum sheet, 12 Wskaźnik blacha aluminiowa(2.0mm), 14 Wskaźnik blacha aluminiowa(1.6mm), 16 Wskaźnik blacha aluminiowa(1.3mm) i 18 Wskaźnik blacha aluminiowa(1.2mm) all belong to this category.
This sort of thin aluminium sheet has a wide range of applications, especially in the architectural decoration industry. Lighting equipment for various buildings, our home, school, hospital, shopping mall and so on. Both in appearance and durability, thin sheets of aluminum can both satisfy us. Dodatkowo, this thin aluminum sheet metal can also be used as a solar reflector, and it can make a great contribution to us in energy saving.