6061-T651 Aluminum coil supplier RAYIWELL MFG supply aluminum-silicon-magnesium alloy, strengthened by precipitation hardening. This alloy has medium strength, formabilitatea, sudabilitatea, rezistență la coroziune și prelucrabilitatea.
aluminiu Placă 6061 T6 temper has an ultimate tensile strength of at least 42,000 psi (290 MPa) and yield strength of at least 35,000 psi (241 MPa). In thicknesses of 0.250 inch (6.35 mm) or less, it has elongation of 8% sau mai mult; in thicker sections, it has elongation of 10%. T651 temper has similar mechanical properties.
Aliaj 6061 alumium Coil has a relatively high strength, easily welded and is widely used not only for making bicycle frames, but also in construction, avioane, shipbuilding.
Principalele elemente de aliere în 6061 placă de aluminiu are magnesium and silicon, cu tărie moderată, o bună rezistență la coroziune, weldability and oxidation effect. Widely used in various industrial structures requiring certain strength and high antibiotic corrosion resistance.
The main chemical components of 6061 aluminum coil are: cupru 0.15-0.4%, siliciu 0.4-0.8%, fier 0.7%, mangan 0.15%, magneziu 0.8-1.2%, zinc 0.25%, crom 0.04-0.35%, titan 0.15%.
The difference between 6061 placă de aluminiu T6 and T651 is that, under normal circumstances, the internal stress of T6 will be relatively large, and it will be deformed during processing. The most suitable state for processing should be T651, stretched on the basis of T6, and eliminate internal stress.
6061-T6 : cooling after solution heat treatment to achieve high strength, no cold working;
6061-T651 : Cooling after solution heat treatment to achieve high strength, and then cold stretching by stretching machine to eliminate residual internal stress after heat treatment, so as to ensure the precision of machined products without deformation after deep processing.
6061 T6 Aluminiu Plate is a commonly used aluminum alloy. Unless otherwise specified, it is generally in the 6061 T6, și 6061 T651 is the best feature of the 6-series aluminum alloy, and it is a fighter in the 6000-series aluminiu aliaj. It has excellent processing performance, excellent welding characteristics and electroplating performance, o bună rezistență la coroziune, high toughness, no deformation after processing, dense material without defects, easy polishing, easy coloring and film formation and excellent oxidation effect.
Since 6061-T651 is a high-quality aluminum alloy product produced by heat treatment and pre-stretching process, although its strength cannot be compared with 2XXX series or 7XXX series, it has many characteristics of magnesium and silicon alloys, excellent processing performance and excellent welding Features and electroplating, o bună rezistență la coroziune, rezistență ridicată și fără deformare după prelucrare, compact material without defects and east to polish, film ușor de colorat, efect de oxidare excelent și alte caracteristici excelente. The representative applications of 6061-T651 include aerospace fixtures, corpuri electrice, și domeniile de comunicare, and are also widely used in automated mechanical parts, prelucrare de precizie, fabricarea matriței, electronice și instrumente de precizie, SMT, Suporturi de lipit pentru plăci de calculator, etc.
The different temper of 6061 plăci de aluminiu sunt O , T4, T6, T651, etc. For different temper, the application fields are different. 6061 aluminum plate has high strength, good anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation effects, and is widely used in automatic mechanical parts, prelucrare de precizie, automobile chassis, cake molds, etc., and is deeply loved by users.
Both the 6061-T6 placă de aluminiu and the 6061-T651 aluminum plate are commonly used. The difference between the T6 state of the 6061 aluminum plate and the T651 is:
The internal pressure of T6 is high, and the processing deformation is more suitable for processing. The state is T651, which eliminates internal stress on the basis of T6 extension. The main alloy elements of 6061 aluminum plate are magnesium and silicon, care au putere medie, putere mare, weldability and good oxidation effect.
Temperament: T1,T2,T3, T4, T6, T651
Bobina mamă: CC sau DC
Greutate: Aproximativ 2 mt per palet pentru dimensiunea generală
MOQ: 5-10tonă pe dimensiune
Protecţie: interstratul de hârtie, peliculă albă, film albastru, film alb-negru, film microlegat, în funcție de cerințe.
Suprafaţă: curat și neted, nici o pată strălucitoare, coroziune, ulei, crestat, etc.
Produs standard: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209, EN573, ASTMB221, AMS-QQ-A-200/8, ASMESB221
Timpul de livrare: aproximativ 30 de zile de la primirea depozitului
Plată: T/T, L/C la vedere
Condiții comerciale: FOB, CIF, CFR
Alte placă de aluminiu alloy available
1000 serie:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, etc.
2000 serie:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618a etc.
3000 serie:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, etc.
4000 serie:4032,4043, 4017, etc
5000 serie: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, etc.
6000 serie:6061,6063,6262,6101, etc
7000 serie:7072,7075,7003 etc
8000 serie: 8011, etc.
foi aluminiu or aluminum plate is used in construction material and building material. Inclusiv: panou de acoperiș, tavan, în perete, perete despărțitor, obloane, jaluzele, Poartă,
balcon, perete, marcaj rutier, semne de circulatie, placă de protecție a drumului, placă de protecție a autostrăzii, perete suport pod, schelă, placă de navă, etc.
Bobina de aluminiu este utilizat în componentele mașinilor electrice. Inclusiv: placa de protectie, cutie de protectie, cutie de condensatoare, rezervor de condensator de putere, condensator electrolitic, variabilă a bateriei, arborele de volum, cadru difuzorului, placa comutatoare, radiator semiconductor, disc magnetic, cadrul motorului, iadul pleacă, aragaz electric, aripă de răcire, radiator, etc