novembra 16, Technický sekretariát GCC International Trade Anti-Damage Practices vydal oznámenie o výrobkoch z hliníkovej zliatiny dovážaných z Číny ,ktoré sú natreté alebo potiahnuté, flattened or textured hliník alloy plates with a thickness of 0.2 mm but not Painted or coated, Flattened or grained Aluminum Alloys Plates, plechy, strips or coils, of a thickness of 0.2 mm but not exceeding 8 mm , rectangular or square in Shape, initiated an anti-dumping investigation. The GCC unified tariff numbers of the products involved are 76061210; 76061220; 76061230.
The GCC was established in 1981 and is headquartered in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Its member countries include Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain.
An aluminum embossed plate is a type of metal plate that has been stamped or pressed with a pattern or design. The embossing process involves creating raised or indented areas on the surface of the plate, which can be used for decorative or functional purposes.
Aluminum embossed plates are commonly used in various industries, vrátane automobilového priemyslu, výstavba, a signage. They are lightweight, odolný, and resistant to corrosion, making them suitable for outdoor applications. The embossed patterns on the plates can range from simple textures to intricate designs, depending on the desired aesthetic or functional requirement
Aluminium coil grade 3003 offers a range of desirable properties, making it a popular choice for various applications. Its corrosion resistance, tvárnosť, and thermal conductivity make it suitable for roofing, obklad, tepelné výmenníky, balenie, and HVAC systems. With its lightweight nature, cost-effectiveness, and recyclability, stupňa 3003 provides an excellent solution for industries seeking durable and sustainable materials.
RAYIWELL MFG LIMITED je dodávateľom zvitkov z hliníkového plechu & tiež výrobca iných oceľových a hliníkových materiálov, ako je hliníkový pás, hliníkové cievky, hliníkový plech, hliníkový kockovaný plech a plech z uhlíkovej ocele. RAYIWELL MFG LIMITED also sell cold rolled steel coils, SPCC, Oceľový pozinkovaný plech, SGCC, Galvalové oceľové cievky, Cievky z aluzinkovej ocele, vopred natretý zvitok z pozinkovanej ocele, PPGI a môžeme predávať oceľ orientovanú bez zrna alebo CRNGO a plech z nehrdzavejúcej ocele, cievka z nehrdzavejúcej ocele. Nepredávame len oceľové materiály, ale ponúkame aj zákazkové získavanie služieb z Číny

Čínska hliníková doska