Kvôli oživeniu dopytu z Číny, najväčším spotrebiteľom na svete, ceny hliníka na londýnskej burze kovov (LME) v marci vzrástol o 28,5 USD 21 na 11-týždňové maximum.
According to customs, China imported about 720,000 tons of unwrought aluminum and other hliník products from January to February this year, soaring by 93.6% from the same period in 2023
Due to its excellent physical properties, aluminum has been widely used in various sectors of the national economy and the national defense industry.
As a lightweight structural material, aluminum is light in weight and high in strength. Various land, sea and air vehicles, especially aircraft, missiles, rockets, artificial satellites, atď., all use a large amount of aluminum.
The amount of aluminum used in a supersonic aircraft accounts for hliník accounts for 70% of its own weight, and the amount of aluminum used in a missile accounts for more than 10% of its total weight.
Various vehicles made of aluminum and aluminum alloys can reduce energy consumption due to their light weight. The energy saved far exceeds the energy consumed in smelting aluminum.
In the construction industry, aluminum alloys are used to make doors, windows and structural materials for houses, and aluminum is used to make solar collectors, which can save energy. In terms of power transmission, aluminum consumption ranks first, a 90% of high-voltage electrical conductors are made of aluminum. In the food industry, from warehouse storage tanks to cans.
RAYIWELL MFG LIMITED je dodávateľom zvitkov z hliníkového plechu & tiež výrobca iných oceľových a hliníkových materiálov, ako je hliníkový pás, hliníkové cievky, hliníkový plech, hliníkový kockovaný plech a plech z uhlíkovej ocele.
RAYIWELL MFG LIMITED also sell cold rolled steel coils, SPCC, Oceľový pozinkovaný plech, SGCC, Galvalové oceľové cievky, Cievky z aluzinkovej ocele, vopred natretý zvitok z pozinkovanej ocele, PPGI a môžeme predávať oceľ orientovanú bez zrna alebo CRNGO a plech z nehrdzavejúcej ocele, cievka z nehrdzavejúcej ocele. Nepredávame len oceľové materiály, ale ponúkame aj zákazkové získavanie služieb z Číny.