Aluminum pad printing cliches is a technique used in the pad printing process, ki je metoda prenosa slike ali dizajna na površino.
Aluminum pad printing cliches is a plate or pad that is made from aluminum and has the desired image or design etched or engraved onto its surface. Kliše nato premažemo s črnilom, in na kliše vtisnemo silikonsko blazinico, pobiranje črnila z jedkanih območij.
Silikonsko blazinico nato pritisnemo na površino, na katero želimo tiskati, prenos črnila na želeni predmet. Ta postopek omogoča natančen in detajlen tisk na različne materiale, vključno z aluminijem.
Aluminum pad printing cliches are preferred in pad printing due to their durability, saj lahko prenesejo večkratno uporabo, ne da bi se obrabili ali izgubili obliko. Zagotavljajo tudi odličen prenos črnila, kar ima za posledico visokokakovostne natise.
To create an aluminum cliche, dizajn ali slika se najprej ustvari digitalno ali nariše ročno. Dizajn se nato prenese na fotoobčutljiv premaz, ki se nanese na aluminijaste plošče. Ta premazana plošča je izpostavljena UV svetlobi, ki utrjuje premaz na območjih, kjer je prisotna slika.
Po izpostavljenosti, nestrjena prevleka se spere, pusti za seboj relief dizajna na aluminijasti plošči. Plošča se nato obdela z raztopino za jedkanje, da se poglobi relief in zagotovi ustrezen prenos črnila.
Aluminum pad printing plates play an important role in the printing industry and are favored mainly for their unique material properties and wide range of applications.
Characteristics of Aluminum pad printing cliches / aluminum pad printing plates
Good thermal conductivity: aluminij, as a metal, has good thermal conductivity, which is particularly important in the pad printing process.
During the pad printing process, the pad printing oil needs to be dried before it can be completely transferred to the surface of the printed matter. The aluminum pad printing plate can speed up the drying speed of the pad printing oil through its efficient thermal conductivity, thereby improving pad printing efficiency.
High strength and stability: The aluminum pad printing plate / Aluminum pad printing cliches is not only light in weight, but also has high strength and stability, which allows it to maintain excellent performance in high-speed, large-volume printing production and reduce defects caused by material deformation or wear. Printing quality issues.
Flexible surface treatment: Aluminum pad printing plates have various surface treatments, which facilitate engraving and etching. This provides printing companies with a wider creative space and can produce more exquisite and complex prints.
Economical and practical: Compared with other materials such as stainless steel, aluminum pad printing plates are more economical in price. Ob istem času, their excellent performance can meet most printing needs, so they are very cost-effective.
Application of aluminum pad printing plate
Aluminum pad printing plates / Aluminum pad printing cliches are widely used in various printing fields, including but not limited to:
Logo and trademark printing: Pad printing technology is often used to print corporate logos, trademarks and other patterns on the surface of products. The aluminum pad printing plate ensures the clarity and consistency of the printed pattern with its high precision and stability.
Electronic product printing: In the manufacturing process of electronic products, aluminum pad printing plates are used to print text, symbols and other identification information on printed circuit boards. This information is of great significance for product assembly, testing and maintenance.
Packaging and decorative printing: Aluminum pad printing plates are also widely used in the printing of packaging materials and decorations, such as food packaging, cosmetic packaging, gift boxes, itd, to enhance the added value and attractiveness of products through exquisite printing patterns
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Aluminum pad printing cliches in the printing industry?
High precision: Aluminum pad printing cliches can transfer images and text to printing materials with high precision, ensuring the exquisiteness and clarity of printed matter. This is especially important for prints that require fine patterns and text, such as electronic product logos, cosmetic packaging, etc.
Stability and durability: Aluminum material has high strength and stability, which allows aluminum pad printing plates to maintain excellent performance in high-speed, large-volume printing production and reduce printing quality problems caused by material deformation or wear. Ob istem času, the service life of the aluminum pad printing plate is relatively long, reducing the frequency and cost of replacement.
Flexible surface treatment: Aluminum pad printing plates have various surface treatments, which facilitate engraving and etching. This provides printing companies with a wider creative space and can produce more exquisite and complex prints. Poleg tega, the aluminum pad printing plate can also be coated as needed to improve its corrosion resistance, wear resistance and other properties.
Economical and practical: Compared with other materials such as stainless steel, aluminum pad printing plates are more economical in price. Ob istem času, their excellent performance can meet most printing needs, so they are very cost-effective.
Environmental protection: Aluminum pad printing plates can be recycled and reused, which is in line with the current trend of environmental protection and sustainable development. During the printing process, using aluminum pad printing plates also helps reduce waste generation and environmental pollution.
High skill requirements for operators: The printing process of aluminum pad printing plates requires operators to have high skills and experience to ensure printing quality and efficiency. If the operator’s skills are insufficient or the operation is improper, the quality of the printed matter may be reduced or the production efficiency may be reduced.
Maintenance cost: Although the aluminum pad printing plate has a long service life, it still requires regular maintenance and upkeep during use, such as cleaning, inspection, etc. These maintenance tasks require a certain amount of manpower, material and financial resources, which increases maintenance costs.
Limited scope of application: Although aluminum pad printing plates are used in many fields, their scope of application is still limited. na primer:, on some special materials or printed materials with special requirements, other types of printing plates or printing technologies may need to be used.
Adaptability to inks and solvents: The adaptability of aluminum pad printing plates to inks and solvents may be subject to certain limitations. Different inks and solvents may have different effects on aluminum pad printing plates, such as corrosion, discoloration, etc. zato, when choosing inks and solvents, you need to consider their adaptability to aluminum pad printing plates.
Anodizirana aluminijasta pločevina je poseben kovinski izdelek, izdelan z elektrokemijsko reakcijo. Med proizvodnim procesom, aluminijasto pločevino položimo v ustrezen elektrolit (kot je žveplova kislina, kromova kislina, oksalno kislino, itd) kot anoda, elektroliza pa poteka pod posebnimi pogoji in delovanjem zunanjega toka.
Po elektrolizi, na površini aluminijaste plošče se bo oblikoval film aluminijevega oksida. Njegova debelina je običajno med 5 in 20 mikronov, in trda anodizirana folija lahko doseže 60 za 200 mikronov. Ta oksidni film ne le izboljša trdoto in odpornost proti obrabi aluminijaste plošče, daje pa tudi dobro toplotno odpornost, izolacija in odpornost proti koroziji.
Anodizirano aluminijeva folija se pogosto uporabljajo na številnih področjih, vključno z gradnjo, opremljanje doma, elektronika, mehanski deli, letalski in avtomobilski deli, precizni instrumenti in radijska oprema, ohišja strojev, osvetlitev svetilke, potrošniška elektronika, ročna dela, gospodinjski aparati, notranja dekoracija, Oznake, pohištvo, dekoracija avtomobila, etc.
1050, 1060, 1070, 1100, 5050, 5052
Površinska obdelava
Barvno eloksiran Odsevno ogledalo (Prašek) Premazan brušena (Anodizirano) Peskano (Anodizirano) |
Ekru, Črna, Modra, zlato, Iver, rdeča, Rožnato-zlato, po meri
Velikost lista(mm)
330*625, 610*406, 1220*2440, Prilagojeno
0.3-10mm, standard: 0.5mm, 0.6mm, 0.8mm, 1.0mm, 2.0mm, etc
Anodizirana aluminijasta plošča ponuja številne funkcije in prednosti. Najprej, ima močno odpornost proti koroziji in lahko učinkovito podaljša življenjsko dobo. Drugič, kot osnovni material, sama aluminijasta plošča ima dobro požarno odpornost in lahko učinkovito prepreči širjenje ognja.
Poleg tega, eloksiran aluminijaste ploščeimajo tudi značilnosti dobre predelovalnosti, odpornost na vremenske vplive, močan kovinski občutek, močna odpornost proti madežem in močna uporabnost. Enostavno ga je upogniti in oblikovati ter izvajati hitro žigosanje, in jih je mogoče neposredno predelati v izdelke, kar močno zmanjša proizvodni cikel in stroške izdelka.
Ob istem času, njegova površina ima visoko trdoto, dobra odpornost na praske, brez pokritosti z barvo, ohranja kovinsko barvo aluminijaste plošče, in povečuje kakovost in dodano vrednost izdelka.
Smo vodilni dobavitelj plošč za tamponski tisk (klišeji) za vse stroje za tamponski tisk. Dobavljamo več vrst plošč za tamponski tisk:
- Tampon tiskarske plošče za lasersko graviranje
- Polimerne tampotiskarske plošče, pralne z alkoholom
- Vodopralne polimerne tampon tiskarske plošče
- Jeklene plošče za tamponski tisk iz tankega in debelega jekla
Vse naše plošče je mogoče dostaviti v poljubni velikosti. in, če je potrebno, opremljen z izvrtanimi luknjami za vse tampotiskarske stroje na trgu.