China aluminum supplier RAYIWELL MFG / Top Metal Manufacture can supply AMS4027N aircraft standard 6061-T651 aluminum sheet.
Glavni legirni elementi v 6061 aluminijeve zlitine sta magnezij in silicij, ki imajo srednjo moč, dobra odpornost proti koroziji, varivost, in dober oksidacijski učinek.
magnezij-aluminij 6061-T651 is the main alloy of the 6-series alloy. It is a high-quality aluminum alloy product that has been heat-treated and pre-stretched. Magnesium-aluminum 6061 has excellent processing performance, dobra odpornost proti koroziji, visoka žilavost in brez deformacij po obdelavi. Ima odlične lastnosti, kot sta enostavna barvna folija in odličen oksidacijski učinek.
Main application of 6061-T651: Widely used in various industrial structural parts that require a certain strength and high corrosion resistance, kot je proizvodnja tovornjakov, stolpne zgradbe, ladje, tramvaji, and railway vehicles.
Typical uses of 6061 include aerospace fixtures, electrical fixtures, and communications. It is also widely used in automated mechanical parts, precision machining, mold manufacturing, electronics and precision instruments, SMT, PC board solder carriers, etc.
The application of 6061-T651 aluminij pločevina is widely used in various industries such as decoration, embalaža, Gradnja, prevoz, elektronika, aviacija, vesoljsko, weapons, etc.
6061 Aluminum materials for aerospace are used to make aircraft skins, fuselage frames, girders, rotors, propellers, rezervoarji za gorivo, wall panels and landing gear pillars, as well as rocket forging rings, spacecraft wall panels, etc.
Aluminum materials for transportation are used for car body structural materials of automobiles, subway vehicles, železniški potniški vagoni, high-speed passenger cars, doors and windows, shelves, automotive engine parts, klimatske naprave, radiators, body panels, wheels and ship materials
All-aluminum cans are mainly used as metal packaging materials in the form of thin plates and foils, and are made into cans, lids, bottles, barrels, and packaging foils. Widely used in the packaging of beverages, hrano, cosmetics, zdravila, cigarete, industrial products, etc.
Aluminum materials for printing are mainly used to make PS plates. Aluminum-based PS plates are a new type of material in the printing industry and are used for automatic plate making and printing.
Aluminum alloys for architectural decoration are widely used in building structures, doors and windows, suspended ceilings, decorative surfaces, etc. because of their good corrosion resistance, sufficient strength, excellent process performance and welding performance. Such as various building doors and windows, aluminum profiles for curtain walls, aluminum curtain wall panels, profiled panels, checkered panels, color-coated aluminum panels, etc.
Aluminum materials for electronic home appliances are mainly used in various busbars, wiring, conductors, electrical components, hladilniki, klimatske naprave, cables and other fields. Specifikacije: round rods, square rods Representative applications include aerospace fixtures, electrical fixtures, and communication fields
Matična tuljava: CC ali DC
Utež: Približno 2 mt na paleto za splošno velikost
MOQ: 5-10ton na velikost
Zaščita: vmesni sloj papirja, beli film, modri film, črno-beli film, mikro vezan film, glede na vaše zahteve.
Površinska: čista in gladka, brez svetle pike, korozija, olje, Sinkronizirana, etc.
Standardni izdelek: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209, EN573, ASTMB221, AMS-QQ-A-200/8, ASMESB221
Čas dostave: približno 30 dni po prejemu pologa
plačilo: T/T, L/C na vpogled
Pogoji trgovanja: FOB, CIF, CFR