Truck body use aluminij pločevina or tread aluminum plates with distinct design and highly slip resistance can be easily configured into a variety of designs and patterns as per the client’s requirement.
Aluminijaste kariraste plošče so lahko dobavljive v različnih oblikah končnih izdelkov, vključno z diamantnimi ploščami, izbočeni aluminijaste plošče, pohodne plošče in pohodne stopnice.
Aluminum Chequered Plates are used in ornamental, arhitektura, and maritime applications, since it is anti-corrosive and does not require painting, making them minimal maintenance.
3003 aluminij Brite tread plate is aluminum-manganese alloy. It is also called an anti-rust aluminum plate or checkerd plate , chequered plate.
Aluminum tread plate 3003 have mild finish and Brite or bright finish ,so it is called Brite tread plate as well. It is with one side smooth and another side have a special lug pattern, like 5bars or 1bars. To se uporablja predvsem za uporabo proti zdrsu, kot tla, stopnice, and some customer use it for wall and ceiling.
4017 aluminijasta tekalna plošča je svetla tekalna plast, podobna 3003 grades. 4017 aluminium tread plate provides durability as Aluminum Diamond Plate, Aluminum Checkered Plate, Tread Bright plate, Aluminijasta talna plošča, to zelo odsevno, economical aluminum product is widely used in decorative, cosmetic and architectural applications.
ASTM-B209 1/4″ 5052 aluminijasta tekalna plošča are widely used in the construction field, such as building exterior wall decoration, notranja dekoracija, roofing materials, itd, and are favored for their corrosion resistance and plasticity. Poleg tega, it can also be used in bridges, ladje, vehicles and other fields to provide anti-skid and decorative functions
Naše podjetje obljublja vsem uporabnikom prvovrstnih izdelkov in najbolj zadovoljivo poprodajno storitev. We warmly welcome our regular and new customers to join us for Truck body use aluminum sheet, Prisrčno pozdravljamo stranke doma in v tujini, da se nam pridružijo in sodelujejo z nami, da bi uživali v lepši prihodnosti.