1060 aluminum Coil is another representative product in 1000 серије алуминијумских легура. 1060 алуминијум alloy is formed by pure aluminum added by a small amount of copper element, which has excellent forming processing characteristics, отпорност на корозију, good weld ability and conductivity. The same as 1050 алуминијумски лим, the aluminum sheet 1060 is widely used in products with low strength requirements, као што су хемијски инструменти, sheet metal processing parts, deep drawing or spinning concave containers, заваривање делова, измењивачи топлоте, clock surfaces and disk surfaces, натписне плочице, kitchenware, декорације, reflectors and so on.
1060 алуминијумски калем is the most common used grade in 1000 серија алуминијум. Садржај алуминијума 1060 алуминијум alloy is more than 99.6%, so it is also known as pure aluminum alloy. 1000 series aluminum alloy is a common series in the aluminum alloy. The advantages of this series are the most commonly used series, the production process is relatively single, the technology is relatively mature, the price has a great advantage over other high-grade alloy aluminum.
Good elongation and tensile strength, fully able to meet the conventional processing requirements (press, stretch), high formability, са високом пластичношћу, отпорност на корозију, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. But 1060 aluminum coil has low strength, heat treatment can not enhanced, the machin-ability is poor, gas welding, hydrogen atom welding and contact welding are available, easily withstand pressure processing, extension and bending.
темперамент: П, О, Х12, Х14, Х16, Х18, Х19, Х22, Х24, Х26, Х28, Х111, В112, Х114
Мотхер цоил: ЦЦ или ДЦ
тежина: Око 2мт по палети за општу величину
МОК: 5тона по величини
Заштита: папир међу слојевима, бели филм, плави филм, црно-бели филм, микро везани филм, према Вашем захтеву.
површина: чиста и глатка, нема светле тачке, корозија, уље, прорезати, итд.
Стандардни производ: ГБТ3880, ЈИС4000, ЕН485, АСТМ-Б209
Време испоруке: око 30 дана након пријема депозита
Плаћање: Т/Т, Л / Ц по виђењу
Услови трговања: ФОБ, ЦИФ, ЦФР
алуминијум 1060 alloy is widely used in the manufacture of railroad tank cars and chemical equipment
1060 aluminum plate is often used for lithium battery soft connection, busbar, road signage, charging pile, aluminum gasket, billboard building decoration, high-building and factory exterior decoration, office lattice decoration, lamp holder, fan leaf, electronic parts, kitchenware, reflective equipment and other fields.
The 1060 aluminum strip for transformer belongs to the pure aluminum strip product. The aluminum content reach 99.6% изнад, which is with good elongation, high conductivity and good heat dissipation.