3003 aluminum plate is an aluminum alloy material, mainly composed of manganese as the main alloy element and other elements. It belongs to the AL-Mn series alloy and is a widely used rust-proof aluminum.
The characteristics of 3003 aluminum plate are that the strength is about 10% higher than that of 1100, and the formability, weldability and corrosion resistance are all good.
It is mainly used for processing parts and components that require good formability, отпорност на корозију, and good weldability, or that require both these properties and higher strength than 1XXX series alloys.
What are main application of 3003 алуминум плате?
посуђе, food and chemical product processing and storage devices, tanks and tanks for transporting liquid products, various pressure vessels and pipes made of thin plates, general utensils, heat sinks, cosmetic boards, photocopier rollers, ship materials, итд.
3003 aluminum plate is available in full size and custom cut lengths.
Еквивалентно име легуре 3003 алуминијум
А3003, 3003а, аа3003, 3003аа, ал3003, ал3003а, а 3003, аа 3003, јис а3003п, ал3003 класа, ав3003, ен3003 разред итд
Мотхер цоил: ЦЦ или ДЦ
тежина: Око 2мт по палети за општу величину
МОК: 5-10тона по величини
Заштита: папир међу слојевима, бели филм, плави филм, црно-бели филм, микро везани филм, према Вашем захтеву.
површина: чиста и глатка, нема светле тачке, корозија, уље, прорезати, итд.
Стандардни производ: ГБТ3880, ЈИС4000, ЕН485, АСТМ-Б209, ЕН573
Време испоруке: око 30 дана након пријема депозита
What are differences between 3003 и 5052 алуминијумски лимови?
There are significant differences between 3003 aluminum plates and 5052 aluminum plates in terms of alloy elements, mechanical properties, application fields, prices and usage conditions.
3003 aluminum plate is mainly composed of aluminum and manganese, док 5052 aluminum plate is an alloy of aluminum and magnesium.
The tensile strength and corrosion resistance of 5052 aluminum plate are better than those of 3003 aluminum plate because it contains magnesium, which enhances stability and strength.
3003 aluminum plates are mainly used in humid environments, such as product packaging, фрижидери, клима уређај, ventilation ducts, итд.
5052 aluminum plate is widely used in electrical casings, transportation vehicles, pressure vessels and other fields. It is also a common material for manufacturing automobiles, aircraft fuel tanks, oil pipes and other products.
5052 aluminum plate has better properties and application areas, its price is higher than 3003 алуминум плате.
Додатно, in addition to thin plates and thick plates, 5052 aluminum plates are also widely used, which is different from 3003 алуминијумски лимови, which are mainly thin plates.
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