Алуминијумска дијамантска плоча газећег слоја 3003-Х22 Бригхт is a sheet product with a raised diamond pattern and a bright shiny finishes for decorative and non-skid applications with a bright decorative design which is easily cleaned. The great shine of 3003-H22 Aluminum Diamond Plate adds sparkle, заједно са издржљивошћу. also known as: Алуминијум Дијамант плоча, Алуминијум Гази плате, треад Светли, Алуминијум подне плоче, ово високо рефлексије, економичан производ има широку примену у декоративне, козметичке и архитектонске примене. With a good forming, бушење & welding ability, Aluminum Diamond Plate 3003-H22 is easy to fabricate and its raised diamond pattern provides good slip resistance and walking stability. Application and uses of Aluminum diamond tread plate 3003-H22 bright are: extensive product use as scuff plates, running boards, and mud flaps for fire engines, ambulances, ватрогасна возила, trailers and toolboxes, recreational, and four-wheel-drive vehicles.