5754 алуминијумски лимови have the characteristics of medium strength, добра отпорност на корозију, weldability and easy processing and forming, and is a typical alloy in the Al-Mg series alloy.
5754 aluminum alloy sheets with different heat treatment states are the main materials used in the automobile manufacturing industry (vrata аутомобила, molds, заптивке) и конзервирање индустрији.
5754 aluminum plates are widely used in welded structures, резервоари за складиштење, посуде под притиском, ship structures and offshore facilities, transportation tanks, and for applications requiring excellent processing performance, одлична отпорност на корозију, Висок замор, high weldability and medium static strength. occasion.
5754 aluminum plates have good formability when in the fully soft, annealed temper and can be work-hardened to fairy high strength levels. It is slightly stronger, but less ductile, than 5052 легура. It is used in a multitude of engineering and automotive applications
темперамент: П, О, Х12, Х14, Х16, Х18, Х19, Х22, Х24, Х26, Х28, Х111, В112, Х114
Мотхер цоил: ЦЦ или ДЦ
тежина: Око 2мт по палети за општу величину
МОК: 5-10тона по величини
Заштита: папир међу слојевима, бели филм, плави филм, црно-бели филм, микро везани филм, према Вашем захтеву.
површина: чиста и глатка, нема светле тачке, корозија, уље, прорезати, итд.
Стандардни производ: ГБТ3880, ЈИС4000, ЕН485, АСТМ-Б209, ЕН573
Време испоруке: око 30 дана након пријема депозита
5754 aluminum alloy belongs to non-heat treatable 5000 series Al-Mg family. Тако, алуминијум 5754 properties show excellent tread and anodizing quality, способност заваривања, corrosion resistance especially to seawater, some chemical and polluted industrial environment. Besides, al 5754 mechanical properties are prominent in wrought aluminum. Such as tensile strength of 220 - 270 Мпа. стога, 5754 aluminum alloy is widely used for marine, vehicle components, auto parts, welded structures, food industry, construction field, итд
5754 алуминум плате is widely used in tread plate, welding structure, брод структура и марине објекти, vehicle components, food processing, storage tank trailer, посуда под притиском, нитне, window internal, treadplate, Shipbuilding, Vehicle bodies, Fishing industry equipment, Welded chemical and nuclear structures