Sự miêu tả
6061 aluminum coil made in China is a heat-treated reinforced alloy sheet with good formability, khả năng hàn, machinability, and moderate strength, which can maintain good operability after annealing.
Magnesium-aluminum 6061-T651 is the main alloy of the 6-series alloy, and it is a high-quality aluminum alloy product that has undergone heat treatment and pre-stretching. It has excellent characteristics such as easy coloring film and excellent oxidation effect.
6061 cuộn nhôm is Widely used in various industrial structural parts that require a certain strength and high corrosion resistance, such as manufacturing trucks, tower buildings, tàu thuyền, trams, railway vehicles.
6061 hợp kim nhôm is a high-quality aluminum alloy product produced by heat treatment and pre-stretching process. Although its strength cannot be compared with 2XXX series or 7XXX series, its magnesium and silicon alloys have many characteristics, excellent processing performance and excellent welding characteristics. And electroplating, chống ăn mòn tốt, high toughness and no deformation after processing, dense material without defects and easy to polish, easy to color film, excellent oxidation effect and other excellent characteristics.
Các nguyên tố hợp kim chính của 6061 aluminum alloy are magnesium and silicon, and form Mg2Si. If it contains a certain amount of manganese and chromium, it can neutralize the bad effects of iron; sometimes a small amount of copper or zinc is added to improve the strength of the alloy without significantly reducing its corrosion resistance; there is still a small amount of conductive material. copper to offset the adverse effects of titanium and iron on electrical conductivity; zirconium or titanium can refine grains and control recrystallization; in order to improve machinability, lead and bismuth can be added. Mg2Si is solid-dissolved in aluminum, which makes the alloy have artificial aging hardening function. The main alloying elements in 6061 aluminum alloy are magnesium and silicon, which have medium strength, chống ăn mòn tốt, khả năng hàn, and good oxidation effect.
The general purpose 6061 nhôm cuộn is heat treatable, resists cracking due to stress, and is easy to weld and machine, but limited on formability. 6061 Aluminum coil and aluminum Plate are ideal for structural framing, base plates, gussetts, phi cơ, marine and automotive parts, vv
Bởi vì 6061 aluminium alloy is easy to extrude, it can provide a variety of product forms such as sheet, strip, đĩa, gậy, vật rèn, ống, đường ống, Dây điện, extruded parts and structural shapes. Nhôm 6061 có khả năng chống ăn mòn tốt, mechanical properties, formability, khả năng hàn, and machinability.
It belongs to 6000 loạt (Al-Mg-Si) alloy aluminum sheet and has good weldability. Cùng một lúc, 6061 aluminum coil sheet has excellent aluminum-magnesium composition ratio and strong corrosion resistance. The hardness is 95HB (Brinell), easy to process and form, non-stick knife
6061 Aluminium Aging 6061 aluminium alloy sheets, tấm, rolled or cold-rolled wire, que, thanh, and drawn tubing are aged to a metal temperature of 160 °C (320 °F) and maintaining it for 18h. Extruded rods, que, shapes and tubes; dies and hand forgings, rolled rings are aged to a metal temperature of 175 °C (345 °F) and held for 8 giờ
tâm trạng: T1,T2,T3, T4, T6, T651
Độ dày:0.2-350mm
Chiều rộng:30-2600mm
Chiều dài:200-11000mm
Cuộn dây mẹ: CC hoặc DC
Cân nặng: Khoảng 2mt mỗi pallet cho kích thước chung
MOQ: 5-10tấn mỗi kích thước
Sự bảo vệ: giấy liên lớp, phim trắng, phim lam tinh, phim đen trắng, phim bị ràng buộc vi mô, theo yêu cầu của bạn.
Bề mặt: sạch và mịn, không có đốm sáng, ăn mòn, dầu, có rãnh, vv.
Sản phẩm tiêu chuẩn: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209, EN573
Thời gian giao hàng: khoảng 30 ngày sau khi nhận được tiền đặt cọc
Thanh toán: T / T, L / C trả ngay
Điều khoản giao dịch: FOB, CIF, CFR
Các 6061 alloy is one of the most common for extrusion, but you may be considering other options for your particular application. Below are some other common alloys that are often considered as alternatives.
6061 và 6063 are the two most popular extrusion alloys. 6063 aluminum occupies the number one spot and 6061 occupies spot number two. As alloys in the 6000 loạt, they both have magnesium and silicon as their primary alloying elements. như vậy, they have many similar properties. 6061 offers higher strength, however. Như vậy, it is often used for more structural applications. 6063, Mặt khác, is used for applications such as railing or trim, các cửa sổ, and doors, due to its better appearance and corrosion resistance.
Like 6061, 5052 aluminum has magnesium as a primary alloying element. In the case of 5052, it is the only primary alloying element. 6061 has silicon as well. One of the key benefits of this alloy is its high level of weldability compared to other alloys. For projects where weldability is key, it is worth considering. One downside to 5052, though, is that it is not heat treatable. It is good for a variety of welding applications and it works well in marine applications due to its high corrosion resistance.
Primarily used in aerospace applications, các 2024 alloy is known for high strength. Its main alloying element is copper, and although it is strong and has good fatigue resistance, it is less machinable and more difficult to weld than 6061. It also offers poor corrosion resistance and is often used in wing and fuselage structures which come under high tension.
A member of the 6000 loạt, 6061 aluminum’s main alloying elements are magnesium and silicon, and it’s a great example of a jack of all trades. The alloy is somewhat universal, seeing some exposure in structural and building products as well as the aerospace and recreation industries.
hợp kim 6061 displays good tensile strength, which can be improved by temper treatment, and good corrosion resistance, khả năng hàn, and workability. Its workability makes it the right choice for many extrusion projects, as it is easy to form.
The alloy is widely available at a relatively low cost and is a great option to produce varied and precise components in different shapes. Although alloy 6061 doesn’t rank first in any aluminum properties tier list, it’s a great and reliable all-around aluminum alloy to work with.