Sự miêu tả
Aluminum sheet is a popular product for aerospace applications, and we produce and stock a dedicated range of aerospace-grade material which is available for immediate supply. We carry aerospace aluminum sheet or aircraft aluminium plate in alloy 2014 2024T3 2124 2219 6013 6061T6 7050 7075 7475.
2024 cuộn nhôm are considered the “aircraft” alloy because of its strength. Nó được hình thành dễ dàng trong điều kiện ủ và sau đó có thể được xử lý nhiệt. 2024 tấm nhôms possess good machinability and can be machined to a high finish
2024 tấm nhôm là hợp kim nhôm có thể xử lý nhiệt với đồng là nguyên tố hợp kim chính. Nó có thể uốn được khi ở trong hoàn toàn mềm, ủ nhiệt và có thể được xử lý nhiệt đến mức độ bền cao sau khi hình thành. Do tỷ lệ sức mạnh trên trọng lượng cao, it is widely used in aerospace application.
6061 aluminum alloy is a high-quality aluminum alloy product produced by heat treatment and pre-stretching process. Although its strength cannot be compared with 2XXX series or 7XXX series, its magnesium and silicon alloys have many characteristics, excellent processing performance and excellent welding characteristics. And electroplating, chống ăn mòn tốt, high toughness and no deformation after processing, dense material without defects and easy to polish, easy to color film, excellent oxidation effect and other excellent characteristics.
7075 hợp kim nhôm (AA7075) is an aluminum alloy with zinc as the primary alloying element. It has excellent mechanical properties and exhibits good ductility, cường độ cao, dẻo dai, and good resistance to fatigue. It has moderated formability when in the fully soft, annealed temper and can be heat-treated to strength levels that are comparable to many steel alloys. In fact, lớp 7075 aluminum is stronger than many types of mild steel.
7075-T6 aluminum has nearly double the strength-to-weight of grade 2 titan
các 7075 Al alloy is most preferred by the aircraft industry. The composition of this specific Al alloy is 5.1–6.1% zinc, 2.1–2.9% magnesium, 1.2–2.0% copper and less than 0.5% of silicon, sắt, mangan, titan, chromium and other trace metals
One of the key reasons to consider 7075 aluminum is for its high strength. Alloyed with zinc, it is one of the strongest alloys available and stronger than 6061. But it offers a lower level of corrosion resistance than 6061 and is also more difficult to weld. 7075 is used in marine, tự động, and aerospace applications where strength is a very high priority. It is also used in a firearms manufacturing and is even used in hang glider frames
Tấm nhôm / Plate 7075-T6/T651 is normally used for aerospace, quân đội, and automotive applications. 7075 aluminum is the strongest aluminum, with the strength of many steels, while retaining aluminum’s lightweight qualities and corrosion resistance.
Kích thước tấm nhôm
Độ dày:0.2-6.0mm
Chiều rộng:100-2400mm
Chiều dài:200-11000mm
Cuộn dây mẹ: CC hoặc DC
Cân nặng: Khoảng 2mt mỗi pallet cho kích thước chung
MOQ: 5tấn mỗi kích thước
Sự bảo vệ: giấy liên lớp, phim trắng, phim lam tinh, phim đen trắng, phim bị ràng buộc vi mô, theo yêu cầu của bạn.
Bề mặt: sạch và mịn, không có đốm sáng, ăn mòn, dầu, có rãnh, vv.
Sản phẩm tiêu chuẩn: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
Thời gian giao hàng: khoảng 30 ngày sau khi nhận được tiền đặt cọc.