Aluminum chequered plate, 也被称为 铝花纹板 or aluminum checker plate, is a type of aluminum sheet with a raised pattern on one side. The pattern typically consists of diamond or bar shapes, which provide excellent anti-slip properties.
Aluminum chequered plates are commonly used in various industries, such as transportation, 施工, and manufacturing. They are often used for flooring, 楼梯, 坡道, 平台, and other applications where slip resistance is required.
The main advantages of aluminum chequered plates are their lightweight nature, 耐腐蚀性能, and durability. They are also easy to clean and maintain. 此外, aluminum is a highly recyclable material, making it an environmentally friendly choice.
Aluminum chequered plates are available in different thicknesses, sizes, and patterns to suit various applications. They can be further customized through processes such as cutting, 弯曲, and welding.
全面的, aluminum chequered plates are a versatile and reliable choice for applications that require both aesthetic appeal and functional safety.
China aluminum tread coil supplier RAYIWELL MFG are always looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. 我们永恒的追求是我们的态度 ,重视市场, 尊重风俗, 重视科学, 和理论 ,质量基本, 相信第一,管理先进, 对于 , 我们现在期待在互惠互利的基础上与海外客户加强合作. 如果您对我们的任何产品感兴趣, 更多的细节,请随时与我们联系.
Aluminum tread coil is called aluminum checker coil as well, RAYIWELL MFG bring 铝胎圈s in 5 酒吧 ,3 bars and diamond pattern. Aluminum tread coil is a type of lightweight metal materials with a regular pattern of raised diamonds or lines on one side, 与反向侧是无特征的.
铝板 | 铝板有多种合金可供选择,提供一系列可焊性, 耐腐蚀性和可加工性.
铝板是任何比铝箔厚但小于 6 毫米的铝板金属; 它有多种形式,包括金刚石板, 展开, 穿孔和涂漆铝板. 铝板是任何厚度超过 6 毫米的铝板金属
1000 系列:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, 等等.
2000 系列:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618等.
3000 系列:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, 等等.
4000 系列:4032,4043, 4017, 等等
5000 系列: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, 等等.
6000 系列:6061,6063,6262,6101, 等等
7000 系列:7072,7075,7003 等等
8000 系列: 8011, 等等.
铝板的回火: 该, H, W, F, Ť
H:H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H32, H34, H111, H112, H114, H116
Ť: T0-T651
母线圈: 抄送或直流
重量: 一般尺寸每托盘约 2 吨
MOQ: 5每尺寸吨
保护: 纸夹层, 白膜, 蓝膜, 黑白胶片, 微胶卷, 根据您的要求.
表面: 干净光滑, 没有亮点, 腐蚀, 油, 开槽, 等等.
标准品: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
交货时间: 收到定金后约 30 天
付款: 电汇, 即期信用证
交易条款: 离岸价, 到岸价, 病死率
铝板 用于建筑材料和建筑材料. 包含: 屋顶板, 天花板, 入墙式, 隔墙, 百叶窗, 窗帘, 门, 阳台, 墙, 道路标线, 路牌, 道路护板, 高速公路护板, 桥梁承载墙, 脚手架, 船板, 等等.
铝板 用于电机部件. 包含: 保护板, 保护盒, 电容箱, 电力电容器罐, 电解电容器, 电池变量, 容积轴, 扬声器框架, 开关板, 半导体散热器, 磁盘, 电机架, 地狱叶, 电饭锅, 散热片, 散热器, 等等.