As top aluminum sheet supplier and manufacturer in China, RAYIWELL Mfg can supply aluminum sheet, 铝板, and aluminum coils, coated aluminum plate or color aluminum coils with different alloy grade.
1050 aluminum strip belongs to a product in the pure aluminum series, which is similar to the chemical composition and mechanical properties of 1060 系列产品, 并且基本上被替换为 1060 铝带的应用.
1050 包含 99.5% 铝. 因为它不包含其他技术元素, 生产工艺比较简单,价格也比较便宜. 是常规行业最常用的系列. 工业纯铝具有可塑性高的特点, 耐腐蚀性能, 良好的导电性和导热性, 但强度低, 未经过热处理强化, 机械加工性差, 并可接受接触焊和气焊.
Industrial pure 铝 不能通过热处理强化, but the strength can be improved by cold deformation. The only form of heat treatment is annealing. The recrystallization starting temperature is related to the impurity content and deformation degree, generally around 200°C
1050 aluminum strips are often used in daily necessities, lighting appliances, 反射器, 饰, 化学工业容器, 散热片, 迹象, 电子产品, 灯, 铭牌, 电器, 冲压件及其他产品. 在一些要求高耐腐蚀性和成型性的场合, 但对强度要求不高, 化工设备是典型应用.
What is the difference between aluminum plate AL1050 and AL1060?
1. Different uses: the national standard 1050 铝板 包含 99.5% 铝, the production process is relatively simple, strong corrosion resistance, high plasticity, 1060 aluminum plate contains 99.6% 铝, 1060 aluminum plate has high plasticity, 耐腐蚀性能, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity Good features, 1060 aluminum plate has good elongation and tensile strength, which can fully meet the conventional processing requirements (冲压, 拉伸) and high formability.
2. The content is different: the national standard 1050 aluminum plate contains 99.5% 铝, and the 1060 aluminum plate contains 99.6% 铝. Because the materials of the two aluminum plates are very close, in actual use, 1050 aluminum plate is often replaced by 1060 铝板.
铝板是指用铝锭轧制加工而成的矩形板材, 分为纯铝板, 合金的铝板, 薄铝板, 中厚铝板, 和图案铝板.
铝卷 铝板片供应商 RAYIWELL MFG / RUIYI可以提供以下铝板等级
1000 系列:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, 等等.
2000 系列:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618等.
3000 系列:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, 等等.
4000 系列:4032,4043, 4017, 等等
5000 系列: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, 等等.
6000 系列:6061,6063,6262,6101, 等等
7000 系列:7072,7075,7003 等等
8000 系列: 8011, 等等.
铝板的回火: 该, H, W, F, Ť
H:H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H32, H34, H111, H112, H114, H116
Ť: T0-T651
尺寸为 铝板
母线圈: 抄送或直流
重量: 一般尺寸每托盘约 2 吨
MOQ: 5每尺寸吨