Aluminum extrusion is a process by which aluminum alloy material is forced through a die with a specific cross sectional profile. A powerful ram pushes the aluminum through the die and it emerges from the die opening. When it does, it comesout in the same shape as the die and is pulled out along a runout table.
Aluminum extrusions are used as components in many different devices, equipment, and systems, such as those found in aircraft, the International Space Station (国际空间站),电子产品, 医疗,体育和娱乐.
铝挤压型材适用于各行各业. 我们美国制造的产品很强大, 轻的, 耐用且符合有害物质限制指令 (RoHS).
铝 非常适合用于制造医疗设备的组件, 例如病床和检测设备. 此外, 铝型材可以制成严格的公差, 这使他们能够满足行业的严格标准
根据不同的分类原则, 常见的铝合金有很多种.
首先, 常见的铝合金分为 8 按化学成分不同的铝合金系列;
其次, 以铝材等级为基础, 铝 合金回火更细分类, 主要包括O, H, F, W和T脾气. The Numbers behind these five aluminium alloy temper designations represent different processing degrees;
Thirdly, recrystallization temperature as the cut-off point, the above is heat-treatable aluminum alloy, the following is the non-heat-treatable aluminum alloy;
Fourthly, according to different processing methods, common aluminum alloys can be divided into cast aluminum alloys and wrought aluminium alloys;
Sixthly, according to different sources of raw materials, primary aluminum is mined from aluminum ore, while regenerated aluminum is reprocessed by waste aluminum and scrap aluminum;
最后, according to aluminium alloy properties and uses, common aluminum alloys can be divided into aerospace aluminium alloys, marine aluminum alloys, construction aluminum alloys, decoration aluminum alloys and so on.