铝卷 Plate Sheet Supplier RAYIWELL MFG can supply Aluminum plate refering to the aluminum material with a thickness of more than 0.2mm to less than 500mm, 宽度超过200mm, 并且长度小于16m. 随着大型装备的进步, 还有更多的铝板宽度可以达到600mm).
铝塑板 refers to a rectangular plate processed by rolling aluminum ingots, 分为纯铝板, 合金的铝板, 薄铝板, 中厚铝板, 和图案铝板.
Aluminum plates are usually divided into the following two types:
1. According to the alloy composition, it is divided into:
High-purity aluminum plate (rolled from high-purity aluminum with a content of more than 99.9%)
Pure aluminum plate (the composition is basically rolled from pure aluminum)
Alloy aluminum plate (composed of aluminum and auxiliary alloys, usually aluminum-copper, aluminum-manganese, aluminum-silicon, aluminum-magnesium, 等等)
Composite aluminum plate or welded plate (special-purpose aluminum plate material obtained by compounding multiple materials)
Aluminum-clad aluminum plate (aluminum plate is clad with thin aluminum plate for special purpose)
2. Divided by thickness: (unit: 毫米)
薄板 (铝板) 0.15-2.0
Regular plate (铝板) 2.0-6.0
Medium plate (铝板) 6.0-25.0
Thick plate (铝板) 25-200 super thick plate above 200
There are 9 cataegories among aluminum which are
The first category: 1 系列: industrial pure aluminum
The second category: 2 系列: aluminum copper alloy
The third category: 3 系列: aluminum manganese alloy
The fourth category: 4 系列: aluminum-silicon alloy
The fifth category: 5 系列: aluminum-magnesium alloy
The sixth category: 6 系列: aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy
The seventh category: 7 系列: Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy
The eighth category: 8 系列: other alloys
Ninth category: 9 系列: spare alloy
铝卷 铝板片供应商 RAYIWELL MFG / RUIYI可以提供以下铝板等级
1000 系列:1050,1060,1070,1080,1100,1145,1200,1235, 等等.
2000 系列:2014,2017,2018,2024,2025,2219, 2219,2618等.
3000 系列:3003,3004,3102,3104,3105,3005, 等等.
4000 系列:4032,4043, 4017, 等等
5000 系列: 5005,5052,5454,5754,5083,5086,5182,5082, 等等.
6000 系列:6061,6063,6262,6101, 等等
7000 系列:7072,7075,7003 等等
8000 系列: 8011, 等等.
铝板的回火: 该, H, W, F, Ť
H:H12, H14, H16, H18, H19, H22, H24, H26, H32, H34, H111, H112, H114, H116
Ť: T0-T651
尺寸为 铝板
母线圈: 抄送或直流
重量: 一般尺寸每托盘约 2 吨
MOQ: 5每尺寸吨
保护: 纸夹层, 白膜, 蓝膜, 黑白胶片, 微胶卷, 根据您的要求.
表面: 干净光滑, 没有亮点, 腐蚀, 油, 开槽, 等等.
标准品: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
交货时间: 收到定金后约 30 天
付款: 电汇, 即期信用证
交易条款: 离岸价, 到岸价, 病死率
Aluminum sheet coils have many applications as below
1. 灯饰装饰品 2. 太阳能反射镜 3. 建筑外观 4. 室内装饰: 天花板, 墙壁, 等等. 5. 家具, 橱柜 6. 电梯 7. 迹象, 铭牌, 包 8. 汽车内外装饰 9. 室内装饰: 比如相框 10. 家用设备: 冰箱, 微波炉, 音响设备, 等等. 11. 航空航天和军事方面, 比如中国的大飞机制造, 神舟飞船系列, 卫星, 等等. 12. 机械零件加工 13. 模具制造 14. Chemical/insulation pipe coating. 15. 高品质船板
铝板 用于建筑材料和建筑材料. 包含: 屋顶板, 天花板, 入墙式, 隔墙, 百叶窗, 窗帘, 门, 阳台, 墙, 道路标线, 路牌, 道路护板, 高速公路护板, 桥梁承载墙, 脚手架, 船板, 等等.
铝板 用于电机部件. 包含: 保护板, 保护盒, 电容箱, 电力电容器罐, 电解电容器, 电池变量, 容积轴, 扬声器框架, 开关板, 半导体散热器, 磁盘, 电机架, 地狱叶, 电饭锅, 散热片, 散热器, 等等.