Diamond aluminum plate is an aluminum product that forms various patterns on the surface of the aluminum plate through processing.
Diamond aluminum plates not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have excellent anti-skid, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant and other properties. 它们广泛应用于建筑领域, 汽车, home furnishings and other fields.
There are many processing techniques for diamond aluminum plates, including rolling, 冲压, 铸件, 等等. 他们之中, rolling is the most commonly used processing method.
The aluminum plate is rolled into various patterns through a rolling mill. During the rolling process, the size and depth of the pattern can be controlled by adjusting the spacing and pressure of the rollers.
Diamond aluminum plate is available in various thicknesses and specifications. They have a wide range of uses.
In the field of construction, it can be used to make walls, 天花板, 地板, 等等, to improve the indoor decoration effect and aesthetics.
In the field of furniture manufacturing, it can be used as a material for table tops, cabinet doors and other furniture components, and has good anti-slip and wear resistance.
在汽车领域, Diamond aluminum plates can be used to manufacture body panels, chassis and other parts to improve the anti-skid performance and appearance quality of the car.
的表面 4017 Diamond aluminum sheet or alumininum coil is a shiny surface similar to 3003 铝合金.
The tread plate is bright and can be used on floors, 广泛用于装饰, 化妆品和建筑应用.
4017 菱形铝花纹板成型性好, 钻孔和焊接能力, 并且易于制造. 铝板凸起菱形凸耳花纹防滑性能好.
的构成要素 4017 铝合金薄板 : 铁 -0.7%, 和 -0.6-1.6%, 同-0.10-0.50, 锰 -0.6-1.2%, 镁-0.10-0.50%, 锌-0.20%.
通过分析其合金元素, 4017 铝合金板可通过Mg2Si析出, 从而形成并表现出一定程度的强化
的模式 4017 铝板 铝花纹板可以是菱形花纹, 3 酒吧和 5 酒吧. 4017 铝花纹板通常是H型, 如H22.
4017 铝花纹板具有一些性能特点, 此处列出供您参考. 它具有良好的耐腐蚀性; 等级相当于 3003.
4017 铝卷广泛用于冲压件, 纺丝和拉丝零件和产品; 炊具, 化工设备, 建筑五金; 储油罐, 卡车和拖车组件, 汽油桶; 橱柜, 风扇叶片, 遮阳篷, 墙板, 厨房设备; 装饰, 建筑用途, 标牌应用, 等等.
5052 Aluminum tread coil or Aluminium checker Plate (或踏板) 是光滑的薄片,一侧有规则的菱形图案或 3 条或 5 条. 它用于地板, 立面, 工具箱, ramps and widely used in automobiles, covers and parts, truck shock absorbers, 等等
3003 h22铝的特性也显示出优异的成型性, 延展性, 可加工性, 表面处理, 可焊性, 耐腐蚀性能, 等等. 所以铝 3003 h22薄板合金广泛用于建筑装饰, 海洋, 车辆运输, 制造业, 和其他领域.
3003 合金铝具有与 A3003 相同的名称, 3003一个, AA3003, 3003啊, al3003, al3003a, 一个 3003, 啊 3003, 日标a3003p, al3003 类, aw3003, en3003级等.
3003 h22铝金刚石板始终展现出轻量化等特点, 高度抛光的表面, 简洁的, 耐久力, 以及更好的成型性, 可焊性, 打滑 & 耐腐蚀性能, 无低温脆性, 等等.
母线圈: 抄送或直流
重量: 一般尺寸每托盘约 2 吨
MOQ: 5 每尺寸吨
保护: 纸夹层, 白膜, 蓝膜, 黑白胶片, 微胶卷, 根据您的要求.
表面: 干净光滑, 没有亮点, 腐蚀, 油, 开槽, 等等.
标准品: GBT3880, JIS4000, EN485, ASTM-B209
交货时间: 收到定金后约 30 天
付款: 电汇, 即期信用证
交易条款: 离岸价, 到岸价, 病死率
What are the applications of diamond aluminum plate in construction?
Diamond aluminum plates have many applications in construction, mainly including the following aspects:
Walls and ceilings: Diamond aluminum plates can be used as decorative materials for indoor and outdoor walls and ceilings. Their beautiful appearance and excellent performance can add a modern touch to the building.
Metal doors and windows: Diamond aluminum plates can be used to make various metal doors and windows. Its corrosion resistance, 防火, anti-theft and other characteristics can meet the safety performance requirements of the building.
Partitions and frames: Diamond aluminum plates can be used as materials for indoor partitions and frames. They are easy to process, assemble and disassemble, and can meet the needs of different spaces.
Stair handrails and railings: Diamond aluminum plates can be used as materials for stair handrails and railings. Their beautiful appearance and solid structure can add decorative effect and safety performance to stairs.
家具制造: Diamond aluminum plates can be used as materials for furniture manufacturing, such as desktop panels, cabinet doors, 等等. Its beautiful appearance and good anti-slip and wear-resistant properties can meet the needs of furniture.
Building curtain wall: Diamond aluminum plate can be used as a material for building curtain wall. Its light weight, high strength and beautiful appearance can improve the overall quality of the building.
铝板 是比铝箔厚但薄于 6 毫米的任何铝板吗; 它有多种形式,包括金刚石板, 展开, 穿孔和涂漆铝板. 铝板是任何厚度超过 6 毫米的铝板金属
Application of aluminum sheet and aluminum plate
铝板用于建筑材料和建筑材料. 包含: 屋顶板, 天花板, 入墙式, 隔墙, 百叶窗, 窗帘, 门, 阳台, 墙, 道路标线, 路牌, 道路护板, 高速公路护板, 桥梁承载墙, 脚手架, 船板, 等等.
铝板用于电机部件. 包含: 保护板, 保护盒, 电容箱, 电力电容器罐, 电解电容器, 电池变量, 容积轴, 扬声器框架, 开关板, 半导体散热器, 磁盘, 电机架, 地狱叶, 电饭锅, 散热片, 散热器, 等等
我们始终认为与对应于环境的变化,实践, 长大. 我们的目标是实现更丰富的身心和生活 0.01mm-8.0mm铝格子板价格 1060 1100 3003 出售,3003 海洋铝板 5052,4017 铝格子板, 如果您对我们的产品感兴趣, 请随时向我们发送您的询问. 我们真诚希望与您建立双赢的业务关系.