1100 铝板卷
铝含量为 1100 aluminum alloy is more than 99.00%, 并且它是一种工业纯的铝. 的拉伸强度 1100 H14 aluminium alloy is about 115-155 兆帕, 它所能承受的应力是≥95兆帕, 伸长率是 >3% 要么 >4%. The thickness tolerance is ±0.05 mm and the width tolerance is ±3 mm. 另一种类型是H16, 它拥有比H14大抗拉强度, 关于 130-170 兆帕, 与此同时, the thickness tolerance is smaller, 为±0.03毫米. 关于应用程序, 1100 H14 aluminium sheet and plate mainly in indoor ceilings and curtain wall plates.
1050 和 1060 铝板卷
铝 1050 contains more than 99.50% aluminum while the aluminum content of 1060 aluminum alloy is more than 99.60%. They both possess the common properties of series 1000 铝合金. We can use this properties to make them into structure members that with special performances, 如电线.
3003 铝板卷
Another name of the series 3000 is “corrosion-resisting aluminum alloy”. This means that 3003 aluminum alloy are usually being used in wetter places: 冷气机, 冰箱, 车底, 等等. 系列 3000 aluminium also be used to make the body of ring-pull can. The primary differences between 3003 H14 and H26 are the thickness tolerance and elongation rate. They both have the best weld-ability, and can be made into various parts of different industries. The stock of 3003 aluminum coil in our factory is 6 ton and we can adjust the stock according to your needs.
1100 aluminum coil is the most useful common aluminum alloys, 它是一种工业纯铝合金. 与其他不同的铝合金相比, 1100 aluminum coil processing technology and equipment are relatively simple, and the aluminium coil price of aluminum alloy 1100 is cheap. 更重要的是, 该 1100 aluminum coil application field is very wide, 这是它受欢迎的各行各业的原因.
RuiYi aluminum sheet manufacturer is large-scale aluminum coil stock holder in China. Among the numerous aluminum coil manufacturers, 锐意铝可以为您提供不同类型的铝合金. 除了产品类型, 我们也有各种铝合金规格, 铝合金特性, 铝合金的脾气和其他物品供您选择